
Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends

Cheat Codes
Type any of the following cheat codes while playing. 

/cheat resource X Y #        Add resources. X=Player, Y=Resource, #=Amount.
                             Example: /cheat resource red wealth +1000 
/cheat reveal                Reveal Map.
/cheat victory               Win Mission.
/cheat (ally/peace/war) X    Force peace, alliance or war with another player. 
                             Example: /cheat war red
/cheat mapgen                Generate a random map.
/cheat dominance X Y         Gives desired dominance.
                             X=Which dominance. Y=Player.
                             Example: /cheat dominance army red
/cheat mana X #              Gives mana. X=Hero name. Y=Amount.
                             Example: /cheat mana sawu +1000
/cheat finish                Select the building that you want to finish 
                             constructing and then type the cheat. 
                             If you want to finish a unit faster, click 
                             the building the unit is being constructed in.
/cheat explore (normal/explored/all)   Change explore configuation.
                             Example: /cheat explore all
/cheat tech X tech on|off    Research all tech.
                             Example: /cheat tech red tech on
/cheat safe                  Adds a few Juggernauts and Air Destroyers 
                             around your capital.
/cheat add (name)            Add items, units, buildings to the game.
                             Example: /cheat add moon god

Some things you can use with the /cheat add command:
Giant Glass Spider
Glass Scorpion
Moon God
Mega Glass Golem
False Idol 

Savegame Cheat
     Save  the  game  in the Strategic map and then open the savegame,
which   is  stored  in  your  
My Documents\Rise Of Legends\[Profile name]\Saves folder.  
     Open  it  with  Notepad. Then search for the second string called
"ORIGINAL_CTW_STATE". It should be about half-way down the file.

There you'll see this: 

[INT id="invention"]
[INT id="wealth"]
[INT id="entourage"]
[INT id="army"]

     The "xx" will be whatever your strategic resources are at. Simply
alter  them  to whatever you feel like, then save and reload your save
game. Note: Entourage is your character's XP level.

     WARNING: Always make a backup before modifying your saved game 

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