
Resident Evil: Revelations

+12 trainer (for v1.0 - 1.3 by FLiNG)
+15 trainer (for v1.0 by AfterMan)
+6 trainer (for v1.0 by dR.oLLe)
+5 trainer (for v1.0 by HoG)
All Unlockable Characters in Raid Mode
Chris (BSAA)
Reach Player Level 30 in Raid Mode
Chris (Pirate)
Inflict 100,000 Damage in 1 hit in Raid Mode.
Clive R. O'Brian
Reach Player Level 20 in Raid Mode
Complete all Stages of the Abyss Difficulty with the S Ranking in Raid Mode
Jack Norman
Complete all Stages of the Abyss Difficulty in Raid Mode
Jessica (Arctic)
Clear all Stages of the Chasm Difficulty in Raid Mode
Jessica (Diving Suit)
Complete all Stages of the Trench Difficulty in Raid Mode
Jessica (FBC)
Reach Player Level 40 in Raid Mode
Jill (BSAA)
Obtain a Super Rare Weapon
Jill (Pirate)
Complete the Ghost Ship in Raid Mode on any difficulty
Keith (Arctic)
Complete Campaign Mission 4-6 on any difficulty
Keith (BSAA)
Clear all Stages of the Chasm Difficulty with the S Ranking in Raid Mode
Keith (Ninja)
Reach Player Level 50 in Raid Mode
Lady Hunk
Purchase the DLC Lady Hunk to unlock her, or she is already unlocked if you preordered the game
Morgan Lansdale
Complete all Stages of the Trench Difficulty with the S Ranking in Raid Mode
Parker (BSAA)
Earn 10 Bonuses in Raid Mode
Parker (FBC)
Defeat 10,000 Enemies in Raid Mode
Quint (Arctic)
Reach Player Level 5 in Raid Mode
Quint (BSAA)
Obtain all Super Rare Weapons
Obtain a Trinity Bonus on any stage in Raid Mode.
Rachael (Ooze)
Purchase the DLC Rachael (Ooze) to unlock her, or she is already unlocked if you preordered the game
Raymond (FBC)
Reach Player Level 10 in Raid Mode

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