The following is a quick walkthrough of Resident Evil. If
followed correctly, it will allow you to finish the game in under
three hours and get the Rocket Launcher. Enjoy!
QUICK Run-Through FAQ
--How to get the Rocket Launcher--
By--Tu T. Dang
Capcom has surely outdone themselves by making the game, Resident
Evil. The game, while filled with great graphics, puzzles and music,
is awesome in animation and storyline development. Plus, blowing away
a few zombies here and there doesn't hurt either. The possible
different storylines depending on the character, plus different little
sub-plots depending on what you do and don't do make this game even
more in depth and interesting. Kudos to Capcom for such a great game.
The following is a basic walk through on how to get the rocket
launcher with Jill. To get the rocket launcher, you need to win the
game in under three hours. If done correctly, you will restart the
game with Jill and a rocket launcher with unlimited ammo. Let's just
say that this thing rocks! It totally nukes anyone and everything and
makes the game better. Although the game is way too easy with it, but
it does add for variation and a definite plus on the fun factor.
*NOTE: This walk through should make more sense if you've already
won the game once. There are spoiler notes so be warned.... It's also
helpful if you know the floor plan of the mansion and other areas
beforehand. Many steps will leave out how to exactly get to the next
room. I'll be assuming you'll know the most direct route to the next
room I indicate.
*NOTE: It's up to you if you want to just run past the zombies
(or go ahead and kill them.) A good way to kill them is by one shot of
the shotgun. Wait until they're up close to you and fire. The zombie's
heads will literally explode.
1 - Start the Jill storyline and with Barry run into the dining
room. Get the emblem and go into the next room. Kill the zombie and
get ammo.
2 - Return to Barry and the to the main hall. Get lock-pick and
head off to the right room. Don't bother with map and ink ribbon.
3 - Enter hell hound room (where 2 hell hounds leap out of the
window at you.) Either a-)kill them or b-)run past them and quickly
grab the clip by moving the second cabinet.
4 - Go through the door at the end of the hound room and pick up
the plant. Go into the shotgun room and take it. Leave and the ceiling
should come down on you. Barry will come and save you in the nick of
5 - Go into the next hallway (door across the shotgun door) and
run into the picture room (the room with the crows/ravens and
paintings.) Flip the switches in order from new born baby, infant,
young boy, young man, middle aged man to bold old looking man. Flip
the last switch to get the medallion.
6 - Leave room and run to the storage room. Pick up plant
chemicals. Exchange items--take only shotgun, beretta, and clips
(herbs if you think you'll need them).
7 - Leave storage area and go up stairs. Kill the right zombie.
Run down the hall and through door. Run down hall into the main
hall-upstairs. Barry will be there to give you acid rounds for the
bazooka. Run over to the patio room to see dead Forest. Get bazooka.
8 - Return to main hall upstairs. Go across to next room and
enter upstairs dining room. Kill left zombie and push statue down.
Exit through back door.
9 - Kill zombies and go down stairs and go into second storage
room. Feel free to save your game with the ink ribbon on the bed.
Exchange items--take chemicals, wooden emblem and weapons you feel
good with.
10 - Run to nursery and poison the plant. Get key. While there,
pick up red and green chemicals. Mix them to save room and have good
healing items. SAVE atleast three spaces in inventory.
11 - Go down hall into the caretaker's room. Pick up clip and go
to desk. Kill zombie from closet (one good quick shotgun blast to
head) and pick up ammo (don't need to pick up diary. Waste of time...)
for the shotgun. MAKE SURE you still have atleast two spaces still.
12 - Exit room and turn right, down to the door. Unlock door and
you should be in the hallway where Kenneth's body is. Turn left into
the Bar/Piano room. Get sheet music and play piano. Go in the secret
room and exchange emblems.
13 - Return to dining room. Place gold emblem over fireplace and
get armor key. Run around table and pick up blue gem. (Inventory
should be about full)
14 - Return to hall (where Kenneth's body is) and turn right and
take first door on left. This will take you back to the hall with the
nursery and tiger statue. Go to tiger statue room and exchange blue
gem for the medallion.
15 - Go to the back door (the hall with the ammo room and
storage) and enter the ammo room. (The room with the broken shotgun.)
Pick up clip and shotgun ammo. Should be able to carry these because
hopefully you already have these in inventory.
16 - Return to storage room down the hall. Exchange items--take
armor key, ammunition for beretta and shotgun. Run back to dining room
(lower-level. NOT UPPER level.) Run into the main hall way (LOWER
17 - Go across into the second door (the locked one that requires
the armor key. Unlock and go in. Get clip on the desk and kill zombie.
Get shotgun ammo in locked desk. Leave into main hall. Go up the main
hall stairs and go right into the hallway. Run to the suit of armor
room and get medallion. (Don't forget to move the statues over the
poison gas holes.)
18 - Leave and run to the attic door. Unlock and enter and see
Richard (if you have space, pick up the green plants). Talk to him and
run back to storage room and get serum. May want to save game here
just in case. Exchange items--stock up on healing products, shotgun
and ammo (hopefully, your shotgun and ammo will be enough. If you're
not that good at killing the snake, then take bazooka too.) TAKE
SHIELD KEY also (the one behind the clock) with you. Don't need the
armor key anymore. Run back to Richard.
19 - Get the radio (who cares...) and enter the attic. If you
want to, you can run next door to the candle room and get a clip. You
won't be able to the shotgun shells because you don't have your
lighter yet.
20 - Kill the snake. Remember to heal yourself occasionally. Pick
up medallion and shotgun shells.
21 - Leave and assuming you've been poisoned, Barry will save
you. If not, go to the next step (22). Wake up in bed, and run to
storage box. Exchange items--take all four medallions and weapons. Run
across to the dining room, out into the main hall.
22 - Exit out the back door and go to the mantle/medallion
placement door. (The place where you put the medallions.)
23 - Place medallions and enter the garden room. Push the
stairway and climb. Get the crank. Leave into courtyard. Pick up
plants and mix red and green together. Kill hounds FIRST. Pick up blue
ones on other side and mix also. Run across to opposite gate and use
crank to open flood gate/dam. Go down ladder and up to other side. Run
to the elevator. Here the radio will go off. Just ignore it because it
takes up time and is not necessary for the story. Every minute
24 - Either kill or run past hounds below. Cross over to the
opposite gate. Pick up and mix plants. Kill hounds. (Not necessarily
in that order.)
25 - Enter dormitory. Push statue over the hole (the one where
the plant grabs you.) Enter storage area. Pick up ammo and health
spray. Save game.
*NOTE: If you feel like saving the game more often, that's fine
Just do it whenever you make a trip to the storage room.
26 - Exchange items--Just take weapons and ammo.
27 - Cross over to next dormitory room (001). Kill zombies and
get Red book. Enter bathroom. Drain tub and get C-Room Key.
28 - Cross over to the other hallway (past the statue over the
plant hole) and enter the room with the key pad and wasp/hornet nest.
Run past nest and get dorm key (002). Return into the previous hall
and run to the end room using the dorm key. Discard key. Go into room
and push bookcases away to reveal ladder down. (Don't pick up item on
bed, just waste of time. Plus, if you feel like you need ammo, run
into the bathroom, kill zombie and pick up clip in sink.)
29 - Go down ladder and push crates over the water space. Run
down into the water and enter the shark room. Run directly to the
Control Room and use the key. Discard key and enter room (before the
shark has a chance to get to you.) Push lever and remove water from
lower level. Push button to open next door.
30 - Enter next door. Pick up two clips and two boxes of shotgun
ammo. Pick up dorm room key (003) also. Run out and back up ladder to
dorm room 002. If you have space along the way, pick up plants and
fill inventory.
31 - Run back to storage and stock up on weapons and healing
medicines, take dorm key (003) and red book with you. Save game would
be advised.
32 - Run to dorm room 003 (the room next to the wasp nests and
key pad.) Enter the room and go into the bathroom, killing zombie and
picking up the flame rounds. Exchange books with the red book,
revealing secret door.
33 - Enter secret door and kill big plant. It will wither, but
not be dead. It will then pick you up and then Barry will come and
save you. Run to the fireplace and get key. Go to step 34. If you feel
that you can't kill the plant the first time you'll need to return to
step 31 and now follow along these ideas.
31a - If you don't think you can take on the plant, you'll need
to make v-jolt. Exchange items--make sure you have four empty spaces!
Take the red book and dorm room key 003. Pick up the flame rounds in
the bathroom and exchange books. Walk through the door and exit the
other door before you have to seriously fight the plant. Run to the
chemical room and on the key pad punch in 3-4-5. This will unlock the
door. Pick up empty bottles and mix together v-jolt.
32a - Run down to dorm room 002 and return into the shark room.
Enter the room with the roots and put v-jolt on the roots. Return up
to the storage room and stock up on weapons and medicine.
33a - Return to the plant via the double doors (not dorm room
003) and kill plant. Get key in fireplace.
34 - Return to mansion. Kill the hunter that follows you after
entering the mansion. Go into the room on the left and get doom book
1. (No need to get ammo for the Colt Python.)
35 - Go next door into the storage room and stock up on new ammo
and items. Exchange items--take weapons and healing and helmet key.
Going to fight the snake next, so may be wise to save your game.
36 - Go upstairs and left to the fireplace room (the room where
you used the lighter to get the map.) Go through the door to the right
and go to the piano. Click on it and the snake will come out. Kill
snake and look at hole while it's dying. Barry will come in and help
you. Fall in and push switch on grave. Wait for Barry to return before
going down. Get pass code then go back down hole. MAKE SURE YOU'LL
under the grave.
37 - Kill zombies and get shotgun ammo to the left. Run down hall
to the door. Go down next hall and skip the zombies eating the person.
They'll leave you pretty much alone.
38 - Enter kitchen and go right to the elevator. Kill the zombie
on the ground. Hopefully, you have two spaces still. Go up the
elevator and kill zombie. Go into the closet and get the battery for
the elevator and some explosive rounds.
39 - Back track exactly the way you came from and return to the
ladder and hole (the place where you killed the snake). Return to the
storage room downstairs and exchange items--take battery, crank, and
weapons, especially the bazooka (healing also would be nice since the
spider's next. Have about two empty slots). And if you have an ink
ribbon with one slot, go ahead and take it. Make sure there's one slot
so it'll disappear when you use it.
40 - Go out into the garden and cross over to the elevator on the
other side of the pond. Go down elevator. Go to other elevator,
install battery. Go up and over to the flood gate/dam. Use crank
closing the gate and return to the newly powered elevator. Go down and
enter the ladder down (the one behind the waterfall.)
41 - Go into the door on the right and see Barry. When he asks to
go with you, say yes, but have him lead. Follow him and enter. He'll
kill a hunter guy and then follow you. Run into the back room and pick
HEXAGONAL CRANK. Go into the room where Enrico is and follow
storyline. If you have room for a clip, pick up clip on Enrico's body,
up crank and run out.
Just run past the new hunters, or kill them, but running past
would be advised to save time and ammo.
42 - Go to first hall way and run over to typewriter. Save game
if you have a ribbon. Use crank on hole and turn hallway. Go down hall
and past door. Turn right and run to the boulder. Then start running
back. The boulder will follow, run to safety. Then run and get flame
rounds. If you've been killing the hunters, then one won't open the
door and follow you. But there will be one next to the crashed
boulder. If you ran past them, one will open the door as you get to
the flame round and attack you. Kill him or run past him to the door
beyond the smashed wall boulder. There won't be a hunter in there.
43 - Go beyond the door and kill the spider. It is possible to
kill it with two blasts of the flame round as long as they hit it's
body and not the legs. Pick up knife if you don't have one in
inventory and swipe open the door. Hopefully you'll have a space for
the knife in inventory (you probably used an herb fighting the
spider.) If you don't have room for the knife, just get bitten a few
times by the baby spiders that pour out and then use an herb. Go to
the left and enter storage. Pick up healing products and save game or
don't. Exchange items--take doom book 1 (eagle medallion if you
already opened it), weapons and hexagonal crank. Run down hall and
enter the second boulder stretch. You don't need to run from the
boulder, just use the crank three times and enter the room where the
second doom book is.
44 - Get second doom book and open. Get medallion. Go up the
elevator into the garden where the fountain is. Place medallions
accordingly and pick up herbs. Go down fountain and enter elevator. Go
further down the ladder and enter the room with the storage box.
Exchange items, or don't. Run across into the room. Kill zombies and
go downstairs. Go to the left into the computer room and login. Use
JOHN for login and ADA for password. Unlock door on B2 with password
MOLE. Return upstairs to the now unlocked room.
45 - Run over to the panel and open it. Push the button and then
get the Lab key. Run back down into the lab and go to the door to use
the lab key on. Run across to the storage room and stock up on healing
and save the game. Exchange items--weapons and healing. Run out door
and down to the left to give power to the elevator.
46 - Enter room. You don't have to kill the ceiling creatures.
Just run to the right and use the terminal there to give power to the
elevator. Run to the back of the boiler room and open door. Go down
the corridor to the right and enter the room with the triggering
computer and the circuit computer. Activate the elevator and run out
of the boiler room.
47 - Run over to the now operational elevator. Barry will join
you and follow story line. Kill Tyrant. It's easy if you just shoot
and run. Shoot and run. You'll probably never get hit, but try to kill
him quick.
48 - Barry and you will escape. After the elevator ride run to
the emergency elevator, All you should have to kill along the way are
two ceiling monsters and three zombies. Feel free to use bazooka and
whatnot to kill them quickly. Run out the emergency door. Barry will
be waiting for you. On your way you'll cross the storage box. Exchange
items-- all you need now is healing. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ONE SPACE
49 - Run over the battery (the radio will go off automatically
and you'll have to listen to it.) Pick up battery and place in
elevator. Go up elevator. Leave elevator and pick up flare. Use flare.
(You don't have to walk out a ways or anything. Just use it right away
if you want.) Tyrant will come out, just avoid him and run around till
the helicopter drops the rocket launcher. Kill Tyrant.
50 - The End. Hopefully, this will take you less than three
hours. (I did it with 2:09:10 and 11 saves.) Restart game with Rocket
Launcher. Blow thy enemies to little pieces. Smile with a big
That's about it. Please make any necessary adjustments and such
according to your style of play. If you feel you need to carry more
weapons than healing that's fine, or vice versa. But it's definitely
worth it to run around with the Rocket Launcher. It's kind of funny
when you play it again with a Huge Rocket Launcher in your arms and
when Barry gives you the acid rounds, you ask him what about him, and
he says, "I have this!" and you're carrying this huge weapon 'o
destruction. Or if/when you meet him on the balcony to see Forest and
he says to you, "Take this (bazooka). You don't have a weapon Jill."
And there you are carrying a Rocket Launcher in your arms. Anyways,
good luck to everybody and enjoy.....
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Resident Evil стала началом новой страницы в жанре триллеров. Это можно сказать об игре, прошедшей испытание временем, по мотивам которой были сняты два фильма и написана целая серия книг (Шон Пэрри, "Resident Evil"). Вы - член отряда особого назначения (группа S.T.A.R.S.). Вам дали задание расследовать серию загадочных исчезновений людей в районе небольшого леса в пригороде Ракун-сити. По прибытии в указанный квадрат, ваш отряд подвергся нападению странных животных. Это были собаки, напоминавшие доберманов, но выглядели они, как разлагающиеся трупы: у них слезала кожа, были видны поедаемые личинками внутренние органы. Запах от животных тоже был соответствующий. Вам кое-как удалось спастись: на ваше счастье, когда вы убегали от этих жутких тварей, вы увидели огромный особняк посреди опушки, в некоторых окнах которого горел свет. Парадная дверь была незапертая, и вам удалось вбежать внутрь здания, заперев дверь, как раз перед тем, как когти собак начали яростно царапать тяжелую дубовую дверь. Оказавшись внутри, ваш отряд решил разделиться и обыскать здание. Не успели вы почувствовать себя в безопасности, как в шикарно отделанных помещениях дома вам на пути начали попадаться люди в белых халатах с бэйджиками на груди. Правда, выглядели эти люди ничуть не лучше тех собак и на вас смотрели исключительно как на потенциальный сытный ужин. Как выяснилось впоследствии, результатом всего этого ожившего кошмара послужил вирус, который разрабатывался в секретных лабораториях, находившихся в комплексе подземных туннелей, прорытых под особняком - секретный правительственный проект. Этот вирус (Т-вирус) вызывал резкое снижение уровня интеллекта у зараженных людей и животных в течение нескольких дней, до тех пор, пока мозг не начинал действовать на уровне простейших инстинктов, одним из которых является потребность в пище. Кроме того, вирус вызывал сильное разрушение кожных и мышечных тканей, которое начиналось с сильной гангрены. Ваша задача - выяснить, кто стоит за всем этим, и уничтожить вирус. Игра особенно радует замечательно подобранной музыкой носящей весьма мрачный колорит, в стиле жанра. Кроме того, большое разнообразие сложных головоломок и заданий. Вы ни секунды не будете чувствовать себя в безопасности, так как из-за любого угла на вас может наброситься стая голодных мертвяков! Очень даже здорово, но нервным людям играть не советую: игра изобилует жестокостью и кровавыми сценами.
Автор: Doktor
Resident Evil - игра не для слабонервных и не для беременных! Если вы любите триллеры, связанные с закипанием крови от переизбытка адреналина, вам стоит пройти хотя бы начало!
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