Enter these cheats via console menu by pressing the "~" key on the keyboard (you guys need to update the game for this to happen), and then type in the codes below.
Cheat code
Gives player ammo of the weapon he is wielding
Greedisgood xxxxxxxx
Gives xxxxx amount of nano energy to player
Invincibility/ toggle god mod
sk_max_banshee no#. ...
Same as above except it is for the banshee
sk_max_nanorifle no#. ...
The value of no# is the new max ammo for the nano rifle
sk_max_pulsegrenade no#. ...
Same thing but for the pulse grenade
sk_max_weapon no#. ...
In the desired weapon and the max ammo for that weapon will change to the value of no#. Typed in.
sk_plr_dmg_weapon no#.
The value of the no# is the new amount of damage the desired weapon that is typed in.
Turns AI detection off
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