
Rainbow Six: Athena Sword

Various cheats
     Press ~ to bring up the console then enter the following codes:

Cheat code:             Effect:
godall                  All the god modes
hp <0 or 1>             Animate hostage
deactivateiodevice      Deactivate IO devices
walk                    Disable flight
godhostage 2            Disable god mode (hostages)
disablemorality         Disable morality
disarmbombs             Disarm all bombs
ghost                   Flight mode
fullammo                Full ammunition
sgi                     Game modes
toggleunlimitedpractice Game never ends
godhostage 1            God mode for hostages
god                     God mode for player
godteam                 God mode for team
godterro                God mode for terrorists
togglehostagethreat     Hostage threat information
playerinvisible         Invisible to terrorists
killrainbow             Kill all Rainbow operatives
neutralizeterro         Kill all terrorists
hna                     Next hostage animation
demoplay                Play demo
hpa                     Previous hostage animation
quit                    Quit game
demorec                 Record demo
killhostage             Remove all hostages
killthemall             Remove all NPCs
killterro               Remove all terrorists
killpawns               Remove opponents
rescutehostage          Rescue all hostages
resetthreat             Reset hostage threat
resetmeall              Resets all cheats
rendspot                See all terrorists on map
sethpos <0-5>           Set hostage position

settings are (0 for no loop, 1 for looping)
settings are (0 standing, 1 kneeling, 2 prone, 3 fetal, 
              4 crouched, 5 random) 

routeall                Show all map routes
showfov                 Show field of viision
route                   Show terrorist/hostage routes
gundirection            Show weapon direction
stopdemo                Stop recording
callterro               Summon all terrorists
trunaway                Terrorists all run away 
tnothreat               Terrorists go back to normal
taimedfire              Terrorists only fire at you
tsprayfire              Terrorists shoot wildly
tsurrender              Terrorists surrender on sight
behindview <0 or 1>     Third person view
togglethreatinfo        View threat information
togglecollision         Walk through entities

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