This walkthru gives explicit instructions for playing Quest for
Glory III that lead to a successful conclusion. It provides, where
necessary, separate directions for each of three different characters
(Fighter, Magic User & Thief). The fourth character type (Paladin) is
also supported, although separate directions are not normally supplied
nor required.
The information given here assumes that the player has read the
game documentation included in the Quest for Glory III game box. This
documentation comprises the 'Sierra Game Manual', the 'Quest for Glory
III Technical Manual' and the 'Famous Explorers' Correspondence
Before you can start playing you must either import a character
from a previous QUEST FOR GLORY game or create a new character. This
walkthru assumes you are creating a new character. So the first thing
is to do so!
Three different characters will be displayed: Fighter, Magic User
and Thief. Select whichever appeals to you. Note, however that the
Fighter is a somewhat easier character to play. Then allocate points.
You will have default settings but you may assign an extra 50 points
to any attributes which you feel need boosting. Don't forget to give
your character a name.
1. Sleeping
There are several places where you may sleep safely: Your room at
the Inn in Tarna, your hut in Simbani village, the Pool of Peace, the
Heart of the World, the Jungle and the Savanna (with caution) or
beside a camp fire, lit using the Tinderbox, via the map.
2. Eating
Meat rations can be obtained dirt cheap, so offer outrageously
little for them! And stock up! When you go into the Jungle make sure
you are not hungry or short of rations, or you will just wander around
endlessly looking for food that can not be found.
3. Monsters
Watch out for monsters in the Savanna and the Jungle.
If you see a Rhinoceros approaching step to one side!
When you encounter a monster run away if you are not a Fighter.
If you defeat a monster, see if it has any treasure on it. There are
some particularly nasty monsters in the Jungle. You may need to take a
Cure Pill if you get bitten by a Flying Cobra.
4. Money
You will likely need to find extra cash to spend on pills and
potions, and other supplies. The green crocodiles carry a few Royals
each which you should pick up whenever you kill one. When desperate
for cash stroll along the river bank seeking out the Crocs!
5. Fighting
Fighting is essential in order to be able to obtain extra money.
(See point 4 above.) But unless you are a Fighter, it is better to put
off fighting until you have increased your ability in your character's
particular fighting skills.
6. Paladin Character
You may import or become a Paladin character. For the most part a
Paladin should follow the same instructions as a Fighter. Paladins
should not be so aggressive toward other creatures. So to build up his
fighting skill points, a Paladin should seek out Demon Worms.
Your character and your friend, a liontaur called Rakeesh, have
been summoned by a colleague of Kreesha, the enchantress Aziza. Aziza
retells the attempt of Ad Avis to summon the Iblis, and your
intervention which prevented this catastrophe. She also tells you that
are now Prince of Shapeir. She has received a message from Kreesha of
Tarna, recalling Rakeesh and asking that you accompany him. She wishes
you both to help prevent a war between two tribes. Kreesha believe the
unrest is really caused by Demons, perhaps unleashed by Ad Avis' magic
which was released at his death.
Three days later you leave Shapeir for Tarna via a magic portal.
You are accompanied by Rakeesh, and Uhura and her son Simba of the
Simbani village. Kreesha greets you as you all arrive in her home in
Uhura and her son depart for the Simbani village.
You may talk to the two liontaurs to recap and/or glean more
information on the situation. When you are ready, leave the house via
the top left of the screen. As you go, Kreesha informs you that she
has reserved a room for you at the Inn. And Rakeesh asks that you meet
him in two days to stand before the Council of Judgment and then
journey with him to the Simbani village.
Walk down the stairs to the left and enter the Bazaar. Now go to
the left and witness a dispute. As the thief makes off your action
depends on your character selection.
Fighter: Chase the thief. Magic user: Cast a Calm spell on the
thief. Thief: Throw a dagger at the thief.
A guard asks you to accompany the thief and himself to the Hall
of Judgment. Here the thief is decl a false knight.
Day 13
Go to swamp. Wear the water ring. Talk to water spirit. They'll
bring you a boat. Use boat. Follow the water spirit to go through the
At the tower where the knight is held. Get the ivy (this let you
exit the boat). Use the hand language to show GORT (the druid name for
ivy). This make the ivy grows so that you can climb up. Climb up to
the window and talk to knight. Show him the password. Climb down
carefully, watch out for falling stones.
Once you have climbed down and reached the boat, everything will
be automatic. So, sit back and watch the end game. If you have gain
enough support from the folks, you'll win the game or else that's the
end of you.
That's it. You have finished the game!
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