Get through Quarantine with these brilliant codes:
Level: Name: Password:
2 The Park Omnicorp is all knowing
3 Old Kemo Keep the oppressor oppressing
4 Projects The meek shall inherit zilch
5 Wharf Have you had your hydergine today
6 Outside Kemo Kemo city is a nice place to visit
These hacks effect your car. As soon as you start the game save
it in the first savegame slot. Quit the game and using a file editor
edit the SAVE0.GAM file as follows:
For extra cash edit the following bytes:
Change byte 001997 to AB and byte 001998 to 61
For extra armour edit the following bytes:
Change byte 00002B to FF and byte 00002C to 7F
For extra health edit the following bytes:
Change byte 00006D to 7F and byte 000071 to FF
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