
Quantum Conundrum

Steam Achievements
Ah, finally some peace and quiet
Collected all Collectibles.
Alternating Currents
Achieve Shift Goal on all levels in "IKE-aramba!".
Art Major
Viewed your portrait in all dimensions.
Astounding Automator
Complete all levels in "IKE-aramba!".
Big Meanie
Knocked Ike over with an object.
Bots beget bots
Collect all collectibles in "IKE-aramba!".
Did a Thing!
Used the 'Do A Thing!' menu item.
Dimensional Drifter
Powered up the first generator.
Eagle Eyed
Collect all collectibles in "The Desmond Debacle".
Explorer of All Roads
Solved 'Choose Wisely' by choosing each battery first.
Extraordinaire Extrapolator
Powered up the Uber-IDS.
Honor Student
Achieved Shifts Goal on all maps.
In less than 12 parsecs
Achieved Goal Times on all maps.
Left or Dead?
Make it through every level in "The Desmond Debacle" at least once without dying.
Ludicrous Speed
Achieve Goal Time on all levels in "The Desmond Debacle".
No disassemble!
Make it through every level in "IKE-aramba!" at least once without dying.
Nuclear Nooby
Picked up the IDS device.
Outstanding Ornithologist
Complete all levels in "The Desmond Debacle".
Peerless Perambulator
Powered up the third generator.
Short Circuits
Achieve Goal Time on all levels in "IKE-aramba!".
Still Alive
Made it through every level at least once without dying.
Symmetrical Sojourner
Powered up the second generator.
Testing the Fences
Broke 20 panes of glass.
Two Drink Minimum
Achieve Shift Goal on all levels in "The Desmond Debacle".
Well, look what you found there
Picked up your first Collectible.
Quantum ConundrumQuantum ConundrumQuantum ConundrumQuantum Conundrum

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