
Prisoner of Ice

     Please  keep  in  mind  that  talk  to everyone you can until you
covered all the topics.

1. Submarine Victoria:

     Talk  to  Captain  Lloyd.  After  the animation, Ryan will follow
Lloyd  to  the  hold.  After Captain captured by the monster., get the
extinguisher.  Use  it  to  the  fire. Back to the bridge. Look at the
drawer  at  the  left.  Take  all  the  things  inside. Then go to the
sleeping  quarters.  Pick  up the hatchet beside the door, and the St.
Christopher's  medal  on  the  table.  Then talk to Wayne. After Wayne
left,   use   medal  on  Hamsun.  You  will  hyponsis  him.  Then  use
tape-recorder  on  him.  Befroe  go  back  to  the bridge, pick up the
life-jacket  and  crampons  from  the  other  bunk.  When you back the
bridge,  the  monster  will  appear use the tape-recorder on Ryan, the
monster will be destroyed.

     Talk  to Driscoll, he will give you a walkie-talkie. Use the code
book on the radio. Then go to the engine room for the freguency.

     When  entering  the  engine  room. You find Stanley is lie on the
floor.  Use the switch, use the walkie-talkie on Ryan. Stanley will be
freed.  Talk  to  Stanley until Ryan get the frequency. Before Ryan go
back to the bridge, pick up a adjustable spanner under the engine. Use
the radio, Ryan can send SOS now.

     Go to the hold. Use Crampons on Ryan. Use key on the chest beside
the  cell  door. Ryan will get a flare pistol. Back to the bridge, use
spanner on the metal wheel at the broken door, Ryan will get a drining
wheel.  Use  hatchet on electrical box. The cables are broken. Use the
switches  to  re-direct the electricity to unbroken cable. It is easy.
After Ryan finished, go to torpedo room.

     In  torpedo  rom, pick up a distress flare. Use the drining wheel
on the hole at he right hand side. Then use the metal wheel. The water
will  go  away.  Open  the  torpedo  launcher  tube, and then open the
torpedo  tube  No.  26.  Use walkie-talkie on Ryan. Driscoll will send
Ryan to the surface.

2. Edward Base at Falkland Islands:

     After  the  animation,  pick up cigerattes and the ID file on the
table beside the door. Open the left drawer. There is a sheet of paper
contains  the  safe  code (write it down!). wait until Quincy get Ryan
duty  roster.  Go out. After the guard left, pick up the film from the
table.  Go  to  the briefing room. Talk to Mc Lagen. Then give him the
cigerattes,  he  will willing to screen the film to for Ryan. Give him
the  film.  Watch  the  film.  Before  Ryan leave the room, search the
central  bookshelf carefully, Ryan will find an individual white book,
the second part of safe munber is inside the book. Write it down. Then
go  to  the communication room. Talk to Shew, Ryan will get a message.
Then  use  Ryan's file on the kettle, Ryan will get a photo. Then goto
Sears' office.use the painting behind Sear's table. Use the two set of
number  to  open  the safe. Pick up all the things inside. Now look at
the table. Use photo and rubber stamp on the paper, Ryan get a pass.

     Use the lift to go to the Basement. First go to the central room.
Pick  up  a tin from the shelf. Then go to the door at the right. Talk
to  Miss  Trend to make a appointment. Go to see doctor. Tell him Ryan
have  stomach  problem,  show him the tin. (I never try the other two,
you  can  try  it.)  When  the  doctor  go  out for drugs, pick up the
assembling manual from doctor's table. Now go to the door at the left.
Give The manual to Finnlayson, then enter the room.

     Finnlayson  won't  let  you  go  to  the  file  room. Pick up the
extinguisher, and then pick up the cigeratte. Use the cigeratte on the
bin,  then  go  to  the dark corner beside the wooden shelf. After the
guards  left, use extinguisher on the burning bin. Then go to the file
room. Only one drawer can be open, look at it and then left.

     Sears  will  request  Ryan back to Victoria. On Victoria, pick up
the  cable.  Use it on the bar. Then walk to the right. Open the floor
chest, pick up all the things inside. Combin two pieces of metal, Ryan
will get a marine key. Use it to open the bridge.

     Go  to  sleeping  quarters. Pick up the paper in the wardrobe. Go
back  the  bridge.  (Note:  There is a time limit, so do it fast!) The
prisoner  will  appear. Use the keyon the buttom beside the periscope.
Use the key on the lock. Then use the ladder to leave the bridge.

     After  a  long animation, Quincy is eaten by the prisoner. Now go
to  doctor's surgery. Pick up a needle on the table. Then go to Sears'
office.  Use  the needle on the south-pole map. a hiding place appear.
Get  everything  inside.  Go  back  to the infirmary. Use the stone on
Ryan. The prisoner will be killed. Pick up the file on the floor.

3. Library at Buenos Aires:

     Talk  to Diane, then talk to Hernandez. Then is a long animation.
After  it,  follow  Diane  to the library. Pick up the books eside the
door,  and  stick  at  the  corner.  Now  search  the  bookshelf  very
carefully.  Ryan  can  find there is "a book" at the central. Use that
book, a secret passage will appear.

     At  the second level, use the stick on the ladder, Ryan can go to
next level.

     Third   level.  There  is  an  empty  space  on  the  second-left
bookshelf.   Look   at   it.   Put   the  books  in  following  order:
(left)Sophocles, (central)Shakespeare, (right)Goethe. After placed the
books, a stair will appear.

     Forth level. Walk to the right, there is a stair going to the top

     Fifth level. Use the right-most status, a hiding box will appear.
get the key from the box. Use the key on the door and then go out.

     Walk  to the right, click on the disc in the third status's hand.
Then walk to the status of Jupiter, click on the disc again.

4. Nazi base:

     Get  the  spoon  from  the  table.  Use it on the wall. Listen to
Parker.  Wait  until  the Nazi officer give you pen, paper and go out.
(quick  move!  there  is a time limit) Pick up the stool. Use paper on
the  water  basin.  When  the solider open the door, use stool on him.
Search him and get the key. Use the key on th door. Use the table. Use
stool on the table. Then use spoon to open ventilation grill. Climb to
the right. Although there are two ways, but the outcome is the same!!

     Use  the stalagime. It opens the stone gate. Pick up the objects.
Then walk to the right. Use the Amethyst on the right eye, the Ruby on
the left eye. An alter open, go inside.

     (Remember,  time  is passing FAST!) Walk to the right Look at the
mine  cart.  pick  up  the  miner's bar. Use the bar on the stone. The
stone  break  off  and lava flow out. Use the bar on the lava. The bar
will become hot. Use it on the cart's wheel. Use the mine cart to open
the  door.  (One prisoner's ice is melting) Exit the mine. Use the bar
on the propeller. Get out from there through the propeller.

     The  Nazi officer will summon a prisoner. Click on the grill, use
the page on Ryan. Ryan will transmit to the future.

5. Future:

     Pick  up  all  objects on the floor. Use the computer terminal to
see  Ryan's  father's message. Pick up the battery from the table. Use
the  sanner.  Put the battery into the slit. Press the red buttom. The
screen  begins to show something. Then use Barrel, Butt and the Middle
section  on  the  screen.  Ryan  will  get the weapon(F.N.D.). Use the
F.N.D.  on  the  rock in front of the cupboard. Open the cupboard, get
everything  inside.  Use the solar disc on Ryan. Ryan will go back the
Nazi base.

6. Last Chapter:

     Use the page on Ryan again. Then talk to Diane. They will go away.

     Then  Ryan  will  go back to the library. As soon as Ryan appear,
use the F.N.D. on the gunner.

     Then  Ryan  will  go to the Hall of the Sorcerer Norackmous. Pull
the  pull-ring.  A  stele appear. Ryan needs re-arrange the stone. The
order is:

     Air water fire ice cthulhu dragon Nyarlathotcp the prisoner

     After that a book will appear. Use the stone on the hollow.

     Use the sword on the two images. Pick up the book and then go out.

     Get on the boat. Sears will appear. Keep talking to him until the
"Great  old  ones" appear. Choose that topic. After the animation, use
sword on the rope behind Ryan. The lamp will fall and Ryan get killed.

     Use  sword on the right-most mask. Then search for the flagstone.
It  is located at the bottom of the screen (with some stones exposed).
Then go into the head.

     There  will  have a long the animation. When the bad guys shaking
their  hands,  use  sword on Ryan. Repeat until the Nazi officer knees
down. Throw the book to the center stone.

     There are two endings, but the almost the same.

Enjoy it! 

by Ian Ng Wai Yip (

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