Here is a brief solution of the game up to the ghost town:
City Section:
When you've jumped out of the windows run to the left killing the
guards and jumping from one rooftop to the next. When you get to the
last roof go down and you're at the harbour. Ignore the guards here -
just leg it down the jetty to the left and when you get to the end
perform a spectacular flying leap and cling on to the boat.
Island Section:
Go left from the beach and you get to a cave with quicksand in
front of it. As you approach several stepping stones appear. Step on
all the stones except the one that has the same marking as that on the
door. The door should now open. If it doesn't leave the screen and try
Cave Section:
After floating down a few levels you soon come to a flying
carpet. You can't take it yet because you get squashed on the grill in
the roof. Keep going to the right and after some climbing you come to
a bridge guarded by a skeleton. Walk on to the bridge and attack the
skeleton until you swap places then go a bit to the right and as the
bridge collapses push your joystick the left and press the firebutton
to make the prince grab on to the falling bridge. Climb up and
continue to the left but avoid fights because you haven't got a sword
anymore. When you see another skeleton make a run for it. Push the
button on the floor and then jump on to the carpet.
Ghost Town Section:
You die frequently so save even more frequently. Watch out for
the snakes because one nip from them and you're dead. Use the crawl
feature to wriggle through secret tunnels and to avoid getting sliced
in two. To kill the flying skulls push the joystick up immediately
before hitting the firebutton and you should be able to dispatch them
without taking too many hits.
Here is the sequel to the very popular Prince of Persia cheat:
When starting the game type: prince YIPPEEYAHOO [Enter] to activate a
cheat mode. Some of you may have versions of the game that don't
contain this cheat but don't despair - just type: prince MAKINT
[Enter] instead. So then the cheats. Once the mode has been activated
you can use the following key combinations during the game .....
[Shift]+[W] to float down long drops
[Shift]+[T] to gain an extra health point
[Shift]+[R] to show current room number
[Shift]+[B] to toggle background animations
[Shift]+[S] to release the shadow
[Shift]+[I] to invert the screen
[Shift]+[K] to lose a health point
[Alt]+[N] to jump to the next level
[+] / [-] to increase/decrease time left
[K] to kill all enemies on screen
[R] to restore your life after dying
[F1] to toggle slow motion on and off
[F2] to show your position on the x-axis
[F3] to turn the player on and off
[F4] to toggle horizontal grid on and off
And with the joystick on ...
LEFT CURSOR moves you one pixel to the left
RIGHT CURSOR moves you one pixel to the right
[PGDN] moves half a step to the left
[END] moves half a step to the right
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