



     Mylk  is  a  cute  little parody of the well-known Myst adventure
game, and is available for downloading from many games websites.


Table of Contents

   * Mylk
   * Cheddar Age
   * Swiss Age
   * Edam Age
   * Endgame



Note: There is no save-game feature

Click on large milk carton to begin
Turn left
Read note on the ground
Turn left
Observe one milk carton by the barn and one in the haystack
Turn left
Observe one milk carton on the salt block and one in the well
Return to lake
Enter doorway beside lake
Enter 04 into imager
Press green button to play message -- need carton expiration
dates on the milker
Enter barn
Look at pink carton (Frances the chicken), yellow carton
(Farmer Ben -- what did he say?) and books on the bookshelf
Note that Animal Farm book has the "a" letter missing
Click right arrow for milker
Note the values displayed by pressing buttons:

Water Droplet           .25
Pitchfork               .75
Salt Shaker             .5


Cheddar Age

Go to haystack
Set milk carton expiration date to the fraction (6/8) that is
equivalent to the pitchfork value on the milker (.75)
Click on the carton twice to enter Cheddar Age
Read both sides of the note on the ground, observe reference to
"fruit on the bottom"
Click on yogurt stand
Click on spoon to put cherries in yogurt
Observe that the bottom symbol on the pole is an orange
Click on yogurt containers to select orange in rear two
and cherry in front
Click on any of the three pole buttons
(Thanks to Mary McBride for this solution)
Left portion of vault combination is displayed:

     Water Droplet

Click left
Click on Mylk picture


Swiss Age

Go to salt block
Set milk carton expiration date to the fraction (1/2) that is
equivalent to the salt shaker value on the milker (.5)
Click on the carton twice to enter Swiss Age
Click forward three times on mountain
Click on grey rectangle
Click on Swiss Army knife blades to set the following sequence:

        Fork            Scissors        Knife

Click on large circle
Center portion of vault combination is displayed:

     Water Droplet
     Water Droplet

Click on Mylk picture


Edam Age

Go to well
Set milk carton expiration date to the fraction (1/4) that is
equivalent to the water droplet value on the milker (.25)
Click on the carton twice to enter Edam Age
Click on grey rectangle
Set left dial at 7, center dial at 2 and right dial at 6
Press center blue button to display four symbols at bottom
Press symbols in this order:

     Two Dots
     Two Dots

Right portion of vault combination is displayed:

     Salt Shaker
     Water Droplet

Click hourglass



Return to milker in barn
Enter the complete vault combination (without pausing):

     Water Droplet
     Water Droplet
     Water Droplet
     Salt Shaker
     Water Droplet

     If you take the yellow page, return to the bookshelf and click on
the  right-hand carton (Farmer Ben), he spits tobacco juice at you. If
you  take  the  pink  page,  return  to the bookshelf and click on the
left-hand  carton  (Frances  the  chicken), she pecks on your computer
screen. If you take the "a" page, return to the bookshelf and click on
the  matching  Animal  Farm book, you win the game and get a nose ring
for  your  trouble  (thanks  to  Jeff  Stryker).  The  nose  ring will
undoubtedly be important in the sequel, MYLK II ;)


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