
Mordor 2

Unlimited Gold
     Create  a  new character. Load the new character and have another
character  join  the party. This second character will be the one that
receives  the  unlimited  money.  Have the second character withdraw a
negative  amount  of  gold  from the bank. Give the negative amount of
gold  to  the newly created character. After accumulating enough gold,
quit  the  game  and  delete the character with the negative amount of

     Load a party with a character (the leader, let's say char. X) and
the  character (char. Y) you want to duplicate. BEFORE all the windows
of  the  game  are  loaded,  reduce  the Start Toolbar (with the Start
button,  down  the screen). This will cause the game to go back in the
main  menu  but, at the SAME time, to be in the city. On the main menu
(under  the  windows),  press on "Run a character" (which is still the
leader  character,  character  X),  and  that  will  cause  one leader
character  X  to  be  with  TWO  following character Ys! This way, you

     1-  Duplicate  money  or  items  by having the clone give money /
items  to  the TRUE character Y, and then kick the clone out (the game
will only save ONE character Y, the one you haven't kicked out: useful
for duplicating Aards of Being, which raises all stats by one).

     2-  Raid  the  whole dungeon or beat a tough boss by having 2-3-4
mighty  Character  Ys  (having  4  or 3 character Ys causes them to be
stuck together, though, you have to reload the game to kick the clones
out).  Only  the  true  character  Y,  or the one leading the party or
second  to  the party leader, will be saved in the game (if you reload
the "Y Party" you'll have all identical Ys chars).

     3-  Duplicate  companion  monsters  by  cloning  a character with
companions  and  making him sell them to the confinement and then kick
him out, so you can have 4 monsters out of one after two clonings.

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