
Montague's Mount

Steam Achievements
A walking stick, now that's better
You have found the walking stick which makes your progress easier.
An old dinosaur groans back into life
You have lowered the bridge in Pitcairn Point.
Examined 100 objects
You have examined 100 objects.
Examined 25 objects
You have examined 25 objects.
Found the 4 coloured spinners
You have located the 4 coloured spinners for the bridge puzzle.
Found the 5 secret postcards
You have found the 5 secret postcards that are hidden around the island.
Found the Old Hermit's shack
You have located the Old Hermit's shack.
Heat and light
You have completed the candle puzzle in McKenna's dock.
Lay the MacLaughlins to bed
You have found the 5 MacLaughlin family graves.
So many gates
You have opened the 4 puzzle gates.
St. Brigid of Kildare
You have located the 22 crosses of St. Brigid of Kildare.
Started the Old Generator
You have started the old generator.
Sweet sweet music
You played the gramophone.
Walked 10 kilometres
You have walked 10 kilometres.
Walked a kilometre
You have walked 1 kilometre.
Walked on 4 beaches
You have visited 4 of Montague's Mount's beaches.
What is it with all these flashing lights?
Solved the Spinner Puzzle.
You are a teenager
You have been playing the game for 1 hour.
You are an adult
You have been playing the game for 2 hours.
You old timer
You have been playing the games for 3 hours.

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