
MechCommander Gold

Cheat code activation
     Copy  your  file  (in  the  directory  you installed
MechCommander in) and rename it to ixtlriimceourl with no extensions.

Finish the mission
     Activate cheats, then in combat type: CTRL-ALT-W

Free Money
     Activate cheats, then in the Logistics Phase type: poundofflesh -
This cheat gives you 1000000 RP.

     Activate  cheats,  then  in  combat  type:  osmium  -  Makes  you
invincible to enemy attacks.

Max gunnery skill for MechWarriors
     Activate cheats, then in combat type: deadeye

No drop weight limit
     Activate    cheats,   then   in   the   Logistics   Phase   type:
rockandrollpeople  -  Turns off the drop weight limit on the Battalion

Repair and Reload
     Activate cheats, then in combat type: lorrie - Repairs your mechs
and vehicles as well as gives back wasted ammo.

Reveal the map
     Activate cheats, then in combat type: mineeyeshaveseentheglory

Salvage all mechs in a level
     Activate     cheats,     then     in    the    Logistics    Phase
type:glennrocksthehouse  -  Salvage  every  mech  as long as you don't
check your salvage because then all the mechs destroyed so far will be
removed  from  the  salvage  box.  You only need to type the code once
throug h the whole game. It will work every level after you type it.

Show the framerate
     Activate cheats, then in combat type: framegraph

Unlimited nuke strikes
     Activate  cheats,  then  in  combat  type:  lordbunny. Hold B and
left-click to use.

One of every weapon
     To  get  one of every weapon, type: hereitcomes You will get 1 of
every  weapon,  including  one called a Sniper Cannon, witch cannot be
bought. Code can be typed in multiple times for more weapons.

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Отзывы посетителей об игре (1)

Автор: Walery
MechCommander Gold - очень интересная игра. Желательно, чтобы она получила свое развитие и дополнилась бы кампаниями конкретно за какой-то клан и уровнями сложности, в которых предусматривалось бы как усложнение тактики, так и усложнение модификации мехов.

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