
Lords of Football

Steam Achievements
Any given Sunday
Give at least one command in all matches in a season
Bank Holiday
During a day phase, none of your players are at the training ground
Break the ice
Win your first official match
Win the Spanish Premier Division and the Spanish National Cup in the same season
Domestic Cup
Win a domestic Cup
Domestic League
Win a domestic league
Win the Italian Premier Division and the Italian National Cup in the same season
Win the English Premier Division and the English National Cup in the same season
Win the French Premier Division and the French National Cup in the same season
Epic comeback
Win a match after being 2 or more goals down
Epic run
Win 10 league matches in succession
I can stop when I want
Treat your player's addictions
Lord of attack
Your team has scored the most goals at the end of a season
Lord of defence
Your team has conceded the least goals at the end of a season
Lord of Football
Win the European Cup
On the pitch
Create your team
President Man
Complete the first level of each president's challenge
Get promoted to the Premier Division
Win 3 league matches in succession
Finish a league unbeaten without losing any match
Win the German Premier Division and the German National Cup in the same season
Vice City
Have all the players addicted to a vice

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