
Last Dynasty

Stage: station

     Go  down to level -1 by heading toward the orange circles ------>
go straight then to the right.

     In  level  -1,  go  the central pylon then move counter-clockwise
until  you  see  a  door in one of the outer pylons. Click on the door
-----> go to the right,go straight, to the right, straight, straight.

     Once  in  the  room,  turn  right,  click on the desk then on the
drawer. Take the bracelet.

     Go back to level 0 still through the orange circles.

     Once in level 0, head toward the observation room.

     Once  in  the  observation  room, click on the armchair, take the
card,  insert  it  in  the card reader, put the bracelet on its holder
then click on the keyboard.

     Go down to level -1, go to the elevator in the center pylon. Walk
into the elevator. Use the bracelet on the controls.

     Go  to  level  1. Go straight then make two left turns. Enter the
Generators'  room.  ----->  go straight, to the left, straight, to the

     Once  in the room, go straight then to the right. Take your laser
and  shoot  at  the  camera  in the top portion of the screen. A guard
notices  you and sends in a soldier to get you. Put your laser back in
your Inventory. Open the two closets in the room. Take a fuse from one
of  them  and  click  on  the  lever that will unlock the gates of the
station,  in  the  other  one.  Click  on the door to get out. A video
insert will show a guard entering the room. Take your laser and use it
on the guard before he shoots at you.

     You can now exit the room.

     Once  in  the  hallway,  turn  left,  go  straight,  turn  right,
straight, turn left, straight, turn left, enter the Bar.

     Once  in  the Bar, go straight, turn left, go behind the counter.
Take  an  empty  bottle and use it on the faucet. Click on the mirrors
(or glass shelves?), pick up the glass debris. exit the Bar.

     Once in the hallway, turn left, go straight, enter the Workshop.

     In  the Workshop, turn left then go straight. Take the electrical
wire  and the spray paint. Turn right. Click on the door in the center
of the screen. A Robot starts a timer that will destroy you in about 5
minutes.  Go  straight,  turn left. Click on the electrical panel. Put
the  electrical wire on the controls. Move back. The Robot will try to
remove the extraneous electrical wire. Take the water bottle from your
Inventory  and  use  it  on the Robot. The Robot is then electrocuted.
Turn  to  the right, click on the desk then on the bottom drawer. Take
the screwdriver.

Exit the room.

     Once  in the hallway, turn right, go straight 3 times, turn left,
then straight. Go upstairs. Enter the Lab.

     Once  in  the Lab, go straight, turn right, straight, turn right,
straight.  Click  on  the  paper.  Take the magnetic key, then use the
glass  debris  on  the  edges.  Move back, turn right, go straight, go
straight, use the magnetic key on the keyboard. The door opens. Take a
capsule (?) Turn to your right, go straight, click on the laser. Click
on the case. Use the fuse on the case. The laser bounces off the glass
debris  and  hits  the robot in the back of the room. Move back. Go to
the  door in the back of the room. Once closed, use the spray paint on
the  right  and  left  sensors and move back. Move forward twice. Turn
right then go straight.

     Once  in  the  Air  Generation  room, go straight twice, take the
o-ring  seal,  move  back twice then turn right. Go straight, click on
the red door. You are at the Warehouse.

     In  the  Warehouse,  you  will  be  warned of the presence of the
guards.  Wait  until  they  are gone then go straight down the stairs,
turn  right,  go  straight  twice, take the jack. Move back once, then
turn  left.  Go in front of the door to the right then turn right. Use
the  screwdriver  on the grate. Go back in front of the hole (straight
ahead, then right) and activate the winch. Two guards walk in and fall
into  outer  space.  Go  toward  the  left door and exit (to the left,

     Once  in  the  hallway,  turn  right,  then straight, turn right,
straight, turn right, turn left, enter the changing-room. Go straight,
to the right, go straight.

     In  the  changing  room,  open  the  closet  and  hang  the men's
space-suit. Use the O-ring seal on the space-suit.

     Exit  back  to  the hallway, turn right, go straight, go left, go
straight,  to  the  right, go straight, to the right. Enter the Living

     Once  in the Living Room, head toward the aquarium (straight then
left).  Take  the space-suit. Use the capsule on the aquarium's cover.
Two  guards  die from suffocation. Move back, turn right, go straight,
to  the  left.  Go  up the stairs. Take a printed card from the table.
Exit the room.

     Go  back  to  the  Lab.  -----> once out of the Living Room, turn
left, straight 4 times, to the right, go upstairs.

     Once in the Lab, go to the robot's room (to the right, straight 3
times).  Face  the  desk,  insert  printed card and access card in the
reader and click on the keyboard. Exit the Lab.

     Once in the hallway, turn right, go straight, to the right, go up
the stairs. Enter the Observation room.

     Once  in  the  Observation  room, move to the little room to your
right  (straight  ahead,  to  the  left, straight ahead, to the right,
click  on  the  transfer  center). Use the bracelet on its holder, the
badge  on  the  reader, then click on the keyboard. Take the badge and
the bracelet back. Exit the room.

     Head back to the elevator to go back to level -1.

     Once  in  level  -1,  go  back  to the pylon (use the jack on the
closet.  The  closet gives out. Click on the closet. A hole appears in
the ground.

     Go  down  to  level -2 through the hole. Turn left, then straight
twice. Take a tripod.

     Go  back  to  the  elevator.  Use the jack on the tripod then the
whole thing on the controls. Go up to level 2.

     Once in level 2, click on the jack, then click on the timer. Exit
the elevator.

     Go immediately to the warehouse.

     Once  in  the  Warehouse,  click  on the winches controls, on the
winch.  Then activate the controls. You are in level 0. Go to level -1
through the orange circles.

     Go  back  to  the  pylon  in  level  -1.  Go down to level -2. Go
straight  then  stand  on the counterweight. When activated, the winch
will  lower  the  elevator and raise the counterweight. You are now on
level 2 in front of a new elevator. Take it. You go up to level 3.

     Go  to the Dome; click on it. Take your laser and shoot at the IC
(?) Turn around and leave.

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Автор: Kickasser
Я в это играл тогда, когда появились первые 486е и Doom 1 только набирал обороты. Лучшая графика, на мой взгляд, по тем временам + улётный сюжет, ну а видеоролики до сих пор помню...

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