Buried in Time is the 2nd installment of this game. It is as vast
a leap beyond the 1st game as the pentium is to the original PC. The
graphics are superb, the interface is easy to use, and the puzzles are
challenging, yet logical (with one possible exception). There are many
items in each time zone that work, even if they are not needed in the
final solution. These add to the rich detail of the game. In addition,
there is a lot of interesting historical information, assuming it's
true, delivered in an entertaining way. I did have a couple of minor
complaints - a couple of the reasons for dying are obsure or
misleading, and some of the items you need to use will not work/move
until you have other items that need to be combined with it thus
making it difficult to determine if you can't use that item at all or
just until you combine it with some other item(s). All things
considered, I'd rate this as one of the better adventure games I've
played in a long time. The graphics alone make this game well worth
getting. They are even better than those in Myst due to their rich
textures and attention to details.
As with any adventure game, examine everything. Read everything
that can be read since you get research points and these items provide
many hints. Finding Arthur 1st is helpful as he provides many hints
along the way, but most puzzles are logical enough that he is not
really necessary right away. The time zones are small enough that you
don't need to do any mapping. Be aware that many of the items needed
to solve any time zone are found in one or more of the other time
zones. Also, the order in which you solve puzzles is not important.
However, if you want hints, find Arthur right away. Even though the
game says that you can leave a time zone, it doesn't necessarily mean
that you have all that you need from that time zone. Finally, be sure
to save often. Note: I was able to finish the game by solving 19 out
of 20 puzzles. I have no idea what the 20th puzzle is. I do know that
I used all my inventory items except the metal bar and the remote
control and never found the batteries for the remote. Do these items
have any use?
Gage's Residence
- talking to yourself can be very informative
- who said that you never learn anything useful from tv
- sometimes the commericals are better than the programs
- what do you suppose that machine in the kitchen is for
- you might want to listen to Geno now - the experience may be useful
in the future
- I hope you can speak and read all languages, you're going to need to
Chichen Itza
- what day do you think it is
- did you know that copper has a low melting point
- what do you think would impress a war god
- you'll be able to advance only if you use your head
- what do you think would impress a rain god
- if you can't climb the ladder to success, get down to basics
- what do you think would impress a wealth god
- why do you suppose the dead land offering slot looks different
- I hope you have the heart to make a blood sacrifice
- you've seen some of those words on the coffer somewhere before
Chateau Gaillard
- the jumpsuit is impervious to all environments
- you'll need to grapple with a solution to scale the tower walls
- remember, out of sight, out of danger
- the study contains most of the clues you need for this time zone
- the key to solving this time time is getting down to the bottom of
the problem
DiVinci Studio
- what do you think those metal tracks in the tower well are for
- these inventions ought to come with a set of instructions
- I wonder how DiVinci would attack the problem of getting into a
locked tower. Hmmm, if this was a castle...
- when you find this evidence, you'll be seeing things in a different
- I never knew that DiVinci was so interested in anatomy
Farnstein's Lab
- did you read Gage's personal log
- who is that talking? A Interesting question
- no matter how much oxygen you have, it will take all of it just to
enter the Biomass Processing chamber
- didn't Arthur say something about oxygen
- what good is an empty water container
Missle Silo
- what could that password be? What do you know about her interests?
- the 1st thing you need to do is get the lights back on
- now, how do you get out of here - didn't agent 3 do something that
might give you a clue
- don't blink or you'll miss the transport code
- wasn't there something new in the news
- INN is truly interactive
- strong Windows users may be able to find the alien prefix codes, but
for most, you'll be seeing red until someone helps you along
Alien Residence
- that control panel must do something, but without a course in alien
technology, you're better off to just go exploring
- there seem to be 3 transporter pods. It's up to you to decipher
which one does what
- there may be aliens here, but you can hide in plain sight
- if the alien went that-a-way, which way do you think you should go
- it is just like the phone company says - let your fingers do the
- you've found the historical artifacts, but you'll need to be very
powerful to get them out of those pods
- figuring out which pod to open 1st will give you an edge
- you have the artifacts and are trying to escape, but you have been
spotted. Stop the aliens before they cut your life short
- you've be caught at the last second and if you don't find a way to
interfere with the transport, you are dead
- you'll only be safe when the alien doesn't have a leg to stand on
Detailed Solutions
This walkthru will get you to the end of the game, but ignores
most of the interesting, although unneeded, steps along the way. It
won't tell you what to read (for the most part), or items that can be
activated if they are not necessary for the final solution. Also be
aware that you get research points that aren't considered here.
The following abbreviations will be used:
RHS - right hand side LHS - left hand side
RH - right hand LH - left hand
F - move forward F# - move forward # times
L - turn left L# - turn left # times
R - turn right R# - turn right # times
U - up D - down
Gage's Residence
1 - touch doll of agent 5 on shelf to get instructions
- go to environ chamber and sit in chair facing the Hi-Rez Environ
- watch all of the INN programs
- from commercials, get shopnet order codes for:
Geno - A Fond Remembrance 538-48-257
Cheese Girl 625-94-978
Translator Biochip 689-22-378
- get remote on chair in environ chamber
- go to VAL 9000 Replicator (in kitchen) and order above items
- personal log on desk gives hint on how to get to space station
- jump to Farnstein's Lab (1)
2 - go to environ chamber and sit in chair facing the Hi-Rez Environ
- put environ cartridge into Omni-System and play - make sure that
your lens filter is still attached to the jumpsuit camera lens
- agent 3 will capture and imprison you (see Missle Silo section)
Chichen Itza
1 - enter the pyramid
- set calendar (dials on wall) to a holy day - I used 7 Obsidian
- take ceramic bowl from the floor
- exit pryamid and place bowl on Chac Mool statue's stomach to enter
the underground caverns
- take skull from 1st skeleton
- take copper medallion from 2nd skeleton
- go to war god's temple - 1st RH path
- put bloody arrow in offering niche
- take skull from skeleton on floor
- touch RH doghead and put skull in mouth to stop 1st set of spears
- touch LH doghead and quickly pass thru door before it closes
- touch inner LH doghead and put skull in mouth to stop 2nd set of
- take skull from skeleton by inner door - LHS
- jump to Chateau Gaillard, get another bloody arrow, and jump back to
top of pyramid
- repeat above steps except that you must put 3rd skull in LH doghead
mouth to open and keep open inner door
- enter temple and take obsidian block from altar
- jump to Chateau Gaillard (2)
2 - enter the pyramid
- set calendar to a holy day
- take ceramic bowl from the floor
- exit pryamid and place bowl on Chac Mool statue's stomach to enter
the underground caverns
- go to wealth god's temple - far LH path
- put gold coin in offering niche
- tie coil of rope to peg on ground at front of bridge and climb D
- enter temple and take jade block from altar
- jump to Gage's Residence (Recall) and get another cheese girl, then
jump to Farnstein's Lab (2)
3 - enter the pyramid
- set calendar to a holy day
- take ceramic bowl from the floor
- exit pryamid and place bowl on Chac Mool statue's stomach to enter
the underground caverns
- go to rain god's temple - 1st LH path
- put water in offering niche
- cross bridge and return to set platforms swinging
- move carefully from platform to platform to cave mouth
- enter temple and take limestone block from altar
- jump back to pyramid
- enter the pyramid
- set calendar to a holy day
- take ceramic bowl from the floor
- exit pryamid and place bowl on Chac Mool statue's stomach to enter
the underground caverns
- go to dead land temple - far RH path
- record evidence (glass fragments) on ground
- put 3 blocks in offering niche
- enter temple
- record evidence (synthetic blood) on altar
- put preserved heart in blood - will see mayan puzzle box
- examine puzzle box and set to "The Breath of Itzamna"
- touch RHS of puzzle box to open
- record evidence (environ cartridge) inside puzzle box
- take environ cartridge
- jump to Gage's Residence (Recall) (2)
Chateau Gaillard
1 - take the arrow from the soldier's back
- jump to Chichen Itza (1)
2 - go D stairs one level, go down passage, open RH door, enter balcony
- turn R and go to 1st alcove
- take grappling hook from alcove
- return to door and go straight to end, turn L, wait until wall
explodes from cannon shell
- go F-R-D-R and open door to blacksmith's workshop
- take hammer from floor
- go to fireplace and lift brick on RHS to expose key mold
- put copper medallion in pan, stoke fire, touch pan to pour in mold
- take copper key
- exit workshop and go to moat
- record evidence (footprint) an LHS by water's edge
- go thru moat to tower
- throw grappling hook up to tower window
- go up rope quickly or soldiers will drop a cow on you
- cloak before soldiers enter bedroom
- touch the castle door picture on the wall by the fireplace - this
is needed to open the trap door in bottom of chest in cellar
- go down one level to study
- read both diaries on small table to get clues
- look at tower map on main table for clue to secret room under cellar
- get and read letter from fireplace for more clues
- go down to cellar
- record evidence (teleporting time agent)
- open locked chest with copper key and go D
- take gold coin from chest at foot of ladder
- go to back of treasure chamber and find brown cross behind book
- record evidence (King Richard I's sword)
- jump to Chichen Itza (2)
DiVinci Studio
1 - record evidence (footprint) by red paint on floor
- turn key in door, open door, go out to balcony
- record evidence (person in other tower)
- re-enter studio and go to machine on far RHS
- pull LH lever down to unlock platform
- push RH lever up to set platform direction to upward
- turn wheel to raise platform in tower well
- enter platform and turn wheel to go to bottom of tower
- go down RH path and take coil of rope from ground
- continue until door, open door, and enter workshop
- go to RH alcove
- take drive assembly
- go to LH alcove
- take wheel assembly
- take wooden pegs
- read instructions on building siege cycle
- put drive assembly on siege cycle bench
- put wheel assembly on siege cycle bench
- put wooden pegs on siege cycle bench
- use hammer to secure wooden pegs
- take siege cycle
- examine siege machine plans on small desk by wall
- goto to yard - there are a number of interesting items in yard that
work although not necessary for solution
- go around wall to find siege engine
- turn siege engine around by turning wheel at base of engine
- climb on the back of the siege engine
- sight on the 2nd tower
- turn LH wheel on siege engine until centered on tower (R8)
- turn RH wheel on siege engine until centered on balcony (D2)
- pull lever to launch siege engine rope at tower
- put siege cycle on ropes (place on metal runners in front of engine)
- touch cycle to climb on and then go F to get to tower balcony
- unlock and open door with balcony key
- record evidence (lens filter) on floor
- take lens filter and put on jumpsuit camera lens (touch in inventory)
- record evidence (formulas in sketch book) - only seen via lens filter
- take preserved heart from cabinet
- jump to Chichen Itza (2)
Farnstein's Lab
1 - use cheese girl on RHS of screen to move toward space station
- turn torward "Capacitance Array" hatch (L-U-F)
- move to hatch, open, and enter
- turn around and take metal bar from hatch
- turn around and go to "Docking Bay" hatch
- find control panel on wall and pressurize docking bay
- open "Docking Bay" hatch and enter
- cross bay (R-F-R-F-L-F-L3-F-R2-F-L-F-R-F)
- open hatch and enter
- select "Yes" option to both questions
- enter Nexus override code: 32770
- turn handle
- swap green(G) lights with red(R) lights as follows:
R R R R - G G G
R R - G G G G G
R R R R R R - G
- G G G G G G -
G - R R R R R R
G G G G G - R R
G G G - R R R R
- now you have Arthur - listen to his comments
- jump to Chateau Gaillard (1)
2 - use cheese girl on RHS of screen to move toward space station
- turn torward "Mining Array" hatch (L-D-F) - won't open because of
pressure differences, but Arthur will override (note that you have
just obtained an explosive charge)
- enter car - touch green light on dash to move - exit car - press
the up arrow on the transport cable twice
- turn around and enter car - get water cannister - exit car - press
the down arrow on the transport cable once
- turn R and examine control
- run mining cycle (press LH button)
- turn back to control and run O2 extraction (press RH button)
- turn L3 and examine panel
- put water cannister on purge value and touch yellow cirle to fill
- take filled water cannister
- refill O2 from emergency reserve hose on RHS of panel
- return to transport cable and press up arrow
- enter car and touch green light on dash to move
- go to environment control panel (opposite "Biomass Processing"
hatch) and pressurize the Biomass Processing chamber
- turn to hatch, open hatch, and enter
- go to programming station C and examine harmonic resonance control
- set control to 11 Khz and press the green bar
- go U and touch the interactive sculpture to record evidence
- jump to Chichen Itza (3)
Missle Silo
- enter password "GRAVBALL" to activate computer virus - will remove
agent 3 and kill the lights
- examine the power generator, eject and take the burned-out core
- get new generator core from floor by bed
- put core in power generator - lights will come back on
- go to Gravis Plasma Tools machine and get transport code:
- examine note on bulletin board for clue to alien agent 3 was helping
- watch INN programs on screen in center of bulletin board
- notice new item about Krynn Ambassador Icarus
- in symbiotry section text touch red words for more information
(this is like hotspots in Windows help files)
- get Krynn alien prefix: 272
- go to transporter and enter transport code and alien prefix
- enter teleporter - will automatically jump you to alien residence
Alien Residence
- go to teleport tunnel (F2-L-F-R-F)
- turn right - will zoom in on aliens
- cloak quickly or you will be discovered and die
- uncloak once alien passes by
- touch transport cable (short cable at bottom of screen)
- go to center of room - touch pods to expose artifacts - find sword
- put explosive charge on exposed pod with sword
- take King Richard I's sword
- use sword to break open all other pods
- take Interactive Sculpture
- take Codex Atlanticus
- take Mayan Puzzle Box
- take Environ Cartridge
- leave storage room
- cut transport cable with sword immediately after zoom
- return to teleport entrance - will meet Icarus who will trap you in
one of the inorganic teleport pods
- put up burned-out core to cancel teleport - knocks Icarus into the
opposite teleport pod (he is only stunned)
- quickly press teleport button on his pod to teleport prosthetics off
of Icarus (or he will be able to recapture you)
- enter center teleport pod and press teleport button
- ***** Game Over *****
Inventory List
Item From Used
===================== ==================== =====================
Geno - (EC cartridge) Gage's Residence Gage's Residence
VAL9000 omni-system
Cheese Girl Gage's Residence Farnstein's Lab
VAL9000 to move in space
Translator Biochip Gage's Residence Everywhere
VAL9000 deciphering
Remote Control Gage's Residence ?????
Environ chamber ?????
Ceramic Bowl Chichen Itza Chichen Itza
inside pyramid on Chac Mool's stomach
Skull #1 Chichen Itza Chichen Itza
1st skeleton on path war god temple
Skull #2 Chichen Itza Chichen Itza
inside war god temple war god temple
Skull #3 Chichen Itza Chichen Itza
inside war god temple war god temple
Copper Medallion Chichen Itza Chateau Gaillard
2nd skeleton on path blacksmith workshop
Obsidian Block Chichen Itza Chichen Itza
war god temple dead land temple
Jade Block Chichen Itza Chichen Itza
wealth god temple dead land temple
Limestone Block Chichen Itza Chichen Itza
rain god temple dead land temple
Environ Cartridge Chichen Itza Gage's Residence
dead land temple omni-system
Gold Coin Chateau Gaillard Chichen Itza
in secret room waelth god temple
Grappling Hook Chateau Gaillard Chateau Gaillard
in alcove on wall king's tower
Hammer Chateau Gaillard DiVinci's Studio
blacksmith workshop common workshop
Copper Key Chateau Gaillard Chateau Gaillard
made at blacksmiths king's cellar
Bloody Arrow DiVinci's Studio Chichen Itza
in soldiers back war god temple
Coil of Rope DiVinci's Studio Chichen Itza
on side path wealth god temple
Drive Assembly DiVinci's Studio DiVinci's Studio
common workshop common workshop
Wheel Assembly DiVinci's Studio DiVinci's Studio
common workshop common workshop
Wooden pegs DiVinci's Studio DiVinci's Studio
common workshop common workshop
Siege Cycle DiVinci's Studio DiVinci's Studio
made in workshop courtyard
Balcony Key DiVinci's Studio DiVinci's Studio
1st tower door 2nd tower door
Lens Filter DiVinci's Studio DiVinci's Studio
2nd tower 2nd tower
Gage's Residence
Preserved Heart DiVinci's Studio Chichen Itza
2nd tower cabinet dead land temple
Metal Bar Farnstein's Lab ????
capac. array hatch ????
Arthur Farnstein's Lab Everywhere
Nexus chamber provides hints
Explosive Charge Farnstein's Lab Alien Residence
mining hatch analysis chamber
Water Cannister Farnstein's Lab Farnstein's Lab
2nd transport car mining control panel
Water Farnstein's Lab Chichen Itza
mining control panel rain god temple
Burned-Out Core Missle Silo Alien Residence
power generator teleport pod
Generator Core Missle Silo Missle Silo
on floor power generator
Transport Code Missle Silo Missle Silo
plama tool machine teleport pod
Alien Prefix Missle Silo Missle Silo
omni-system teleport pod
King Richard I's Sword Alien Residence (Just needed to end)
analysis chamber
Interactive Sculpture Alien Residence (Just needed to end)
analysis chamber
Codex Atlanticus Alien Residence (Just needed to end)
analysis chamber
Mayan Puzzle Box Alien Residence (Just needed to end)
analysis chamber
Environ Cartridge Alien Residence (Just needed to end)
analysis chamber
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