1. Cheats:
Pause the game by pressing [P] and [Backspace]. Then choose your option from
the list below:
lamer Level skip
gunhed Rapid fire and ammo
bouf Full health and toggle invincibility
sable Toggles high speed and jumping
cstrike Toggles airboard (Turns you into a bird in birdland)
doom Enemies speed up and take more hits
ken Quits to DOS
hooker ensures trip to bonus level
mark Kills Jazz
hocus Teleports Jazz
check Displays info on status bar
arjan Displays a message
greetz Displays another message
tim Displays yet another message
2. Tip:
To get to the secret level on level one drop down the hole to the
right of the halfway checkpoint in Diamondus level two. Take the path
to the left of the extra speed sign. Use the trampoline to bounce up
hold left and crash impressively into the wall. Enter the yellow strip
highlighting the mouth and you'll find a dinky little room with
another signpost showing a question mark This is your gateway to that
secret level.
3. Action Replay codes:
RTM1342123F Unlimited health
RTM13421618 Health (use with above)
RTM129E9EFF Unlimited time
RTM1344B0FF Time (use with above)
RTM13421463 99 lives
RTM1344AA63 Lives (use with above)
RTM12724699 Unlimited missiles
RTM13428464 Missiles (use with above)
RTM12742664 Unlimited toasters
RTM13428464 Toasters (use with above)
RTM12724664 Unlimited launchers
RTM13428864 Launchers (use with above)
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