Cheat codes
Have one of your mercs walk a longer distance than his/her action
points will allow (like 80 or so).
Watch the merc's action points as they decrease. When the merc's
action points get below the amount usually needed to shoot (but _not_
to zero), right click on their picture to spin it around and get the
three buttons. Click on the "reserve points" button (I believe it has
to be unchecked before this little cheat is attempted). Then right
click on the picture again to spin it back around. The merc will
continue walking (as usual), but he/she will walk _all_ the way to
wherever you told him/her to go, with absolutely no regard for action
points. A nice way to get out of range of that sniper...
Cheat edit
HexCheats: Load a savegame into a hexeditor and search for the
name of a hero. Important are the next two rows:
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 NA ME HE RO 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 12 00 01 08 00 00 00 00 00 01 XX
XX 00 00 00 00 00 64 YY ZZ AA BB CC DD EE FF 00
XX XX Health , change to whatever you want
YY mobility
ZZ skill
AA wisdom
BB medicine
CC explosive
DD mechanics
EE accurance
FF experiance
Change all to 63
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