Various cheats
While playing, press [F12] to activate the console. Type any of
the following codes:
Cheat code: Result:
coal Add Coal
steel Add Steel
rubber Add Rubber
oil Add Oil
manpower Add Men
nuke Add Nuclear Bomb
di Diplomatic Influence @ 500
war 100% War Entry Level
supplies Add Supplies
transports Add Transports
escorts Add Escorts
nolimit No Troop Building Limit
difrules God Mode
fullcontrol Control All Nations
nofog No Fog of War
norevolts No Revolts
nowar Toggle AI Aggressiveness
event 1013 Increase Industrial Capacity
handsoff Toggle Automatic Event Pause
showid Toggle Province IDs
Random Events
To use the cheats below, open up the chat log by pressing F12,
and then type in the code.
The random events that happen can be manually triggered by typing
in "event ????", where the question marks are a number. For example,
"event 1011" is when a scientist defects to your country.
*BEWARE* Some of the events do bad things to your nation, such as
worker strikes.
Here are some examples:
event 1017 - Outlaw Fascism (Fascism+15,Communism-5/Fascism-5,Communism+15)
event 1016 - Outlaw Communism (Fascism+15,Communism-5/Fascism-5,Communism+15)
event 1015 - Rogue Politician (dissent up/down + minister dies)
event 1014 - Rogue Politician (dissent up/down)
event 1013 - Private initiative (IC up)
event 1012 - Breakthrough in research. (1 technology is discovered)
event 1011 - Leading Scientist defects to your country (steal technology)
event 1010 - Industry sabotaged (IC -1)
event 1009 - Artist records epic song (dissent -3)
event 1008 - Major worker strike (IC down)
event 1007 - War Refugees (manpower +30)
event 1006 - Private sector nationalized (IC up)
event 1005 - Military parade (supplies -100, dissent -5)
event 1004 - Female labour force (manpower +100)
event 1003 - Youth movement (manpower +100)
event 1002 - Women donate materials (supplies +200)
event 1001 - War Hero critisizes War (dissent +5, 1 leader's loyalty -4)
event 1000 - Research sabotaged ( 1 research fails)
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