These cheats are ONLY for the Custom Edition of Halo: Combat
Evolved. Open the properties window of the Halo shortcut and add "
-console -devmode" to the end of the target field. Apply changes and
start the game using that shortcut. Press [~] during game play to
display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to
activate the corresponding cheat function (codes do not work in online
cheat_medusa <0 or 1> Instant deaths for enemies
that see player
speed <0-20> Set game speed game
cls Clear console window
cheat_bottomless_clip <0 or 1> Unlimited ammo and no overheating
for weapons
cheat_infinite_ammo <0 or 1> Unlimited ammunition
cheat_super_jump <0 or 1> Super jumps
cheat_bump_possession <0 or 1> Possess touched character
cheat_deathless_player <0 or 1> Invincibility
cheat_spawn_warthog Spawn Warthog
cheat_all_powerups Spawn all power-ups
cheat_all_vehicles Spawn all vehicles
cheat_all_weapons Spawn all weapons
cheat_teleport_to_camera Teleport player to current camera
quit Quit game
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Игра расчитана на любителя, так что многим моя оценка покажется совершенно неточной. Но всё же я считаю, она продумана довольно неплохо. Огромный игровой мир и изобилие монстров делают своё дело.
Автор: цйц
Игра не сбалансирована. На легендарном уровне не пройти честно. Атмосфера убита однообразием.
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