

Level select:
     Beat the game on normal or higher difficulty.

Warp to Mario level 1-2:
     On  level  1-3  Bash through the 1st set of spikes to the left of
the  1st  suspended  platform  fall  down  the  passage  and break the
Question mark block to warp.

Warp to Pac-man:
     On  level 4-4 right before the collapsing pillars climb under the
1st  overhang  and  break  through the wall, fall down the passage and
into pacmans mouth to warp.

Warp to Pitfall:
     On  level  2-1  pull the 1st vertical platform to the left, climb
the ceiling and drop down using heavy to break through the ground fall
down  the passage and into a room with a giant pitfall Harry sprite to

Warp to the isle of the dead:
     On  level  3-4 in the room where the skulls fly out of the ground
run  and  grab onto the 1st skull platform that shoots out, ride it up
into the air till you see a platform marked 666, jump to that platform
to warp.

Satans layer:
     Complete isle of the dead.

Super hard mode ( ludicrous ):
     Beat the game on hard difficulty.

Mini mode:
     Beat the game on ludicrous difficulty.

New vs Levels:
     Beat the game on normal or higher difficulty.

New vs Mode:
     Beat the game on hard difficulty.

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