
Gemini Wars

Steam Achievements
Academic Defender
Protected Galileu's scientific teams
Big Brother
Helped the USF forces on Korvus
Used an orbital super cannon
Captain Sparrow
Boarded a Gark station
Build 10 colonies
Defended Saruni system from an Alliance offensive
Drill Sergeant
Train 150.000 marines in a single mission
Extract 100.000 Crystals
Build 100 Heavy Turrets
Fleet Commander
Controls 5 Battlesihips at the same time
Gemini Hero
Complete the Gemini Campaign
Gunnery Specialist
Use a battleship special ability
Heavy Hand
Destroy 5 Colonies
Humanity Protector
Destroy 500 Gark ships
Completed the infiltration mission on Ngaxu
Killed the Killer
Destroyed the Gark Planet Destroyer
People Person
Protected Dogar Prime's evacuation
Destroyed the Alliance forces on Giomos
Rescued Admiral Robertz
Destroyed Roarke's stronghold
Sky Marshall
Control 10 Fighter squadrons
Extract 500.000 Crystals
Destroy 500 enemy ships
Destroy 100 enemy ships
Team Player
Defeated the Gark at Quelatrix
The Saint
Protected the wounded on Heromon
The sword is mightier
Destroyed the Gark Stargate
Meet Admiral Ragnar
War Master
Destroy 1000 enemy ships
Xeno Cleaner
Destroy 100 Gark Ships

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