
Final Exam

Steam Achievements
Apprentice arsonist
Kill 150 monsters with fire.
Apprentice butcher
Kill 250 monsters with the chainsaw.
Apprentice Terminator
Achieve a 10,000 point combo.
Kill 300 monsters with fire.
Budding terminator
Achieve a 25,000 point combo.
Find all weapons with the same character.
Complete a mission in 2 player local game mode.
Score 300,000 points in a single game.
Complete an online multiplayer game.
Find a new weapon.
Heal a character on the ground 10 times in multiplayer mode.
Horde hunter
Exterminate 10 hordes.
Complete a mission without taking a single hit.
Kill 1,000 monsters.
Mega disintegration
Score 400,000 points in a single game.
Mega horde hunter
Exterminate 50 hordes.
Mega massacre
Kill 2,500 monsters.
Mega terminator
Achieve a 100,000 point combo.
Midterm exam
Complete 4 missions in the game.
Get the gold in every mission.
Promising start
Complete a mission in the game.
Rock hard!
Complete all the missions in the game in "Rock hard" mode.
Kill 500 monsters with the chainsaw.
Small disintegration
Score 200,000 points in a single game.
Small massacre
Kill 500 monsters.
Star student
Win the golden glove on 4 missions.
Launch the 4 special skills specific to one character in a single mission.
Achieve a 50,000 point combo.
Find 12 cans.
This is only the beginning
Finish all the missions in the game.
Top of the class
Win the golden glove on one mission.
Who's the strongest?
Exterminate 3 hordes.

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