Beat the Defense:
When you want to get around the defense press the "w" button
really quick and you will fly past.
Score an Easy Goal:
To score an easy goal, move to one side and then go back to the
other side and shoot. The goalie will usually not get it.
Code Result
MOMONEY Unlimited Funds
HOOLIGAN Bonus Teams
SIZZLE Lightning Mode
DIZZY Alien Mode
Black & White mode
Choose two classic teams to play whith and screen will turn Black
& White.
Orange mode
Choose one classic and one "original" team to play whith and the
screen will turn Orange.
Tip: In FIFA, the program rewards goals and opportunities to the
player who puts on the most pressure. Ball possession, time spent in
the offensive zone, and a large number of shots on goal (no matter how
weak they may be) all contribute to the ease with which
program-controlled defenses break down and shots find the back of the
Tip: Resist the urge to wildly switch players when under pressure
in your own zone. Instead, maintain control of one player and press
button 3 (the "gentle" tackle button) in rapid fashion. Because the
program itself moves players to mark the ball carrier, any player who
comes in contact with the ball will be ready to steal it.
Tip: One of the best ways to move a ball around a tight defense
is the button 1 lob pass, simply because nobody can steal it when it's
in mid-air. Also, your intended recipient will almost always have more
time, and experience less defensive pressure, when moving into
position for a slow aerial ball than for a streaking ground ball.
Tip: Once you're reasonably competent, set the referee strictness
to Maximum. AI-controlled teams are usually quite aggressive, as are
most new human players.
Tip: If you're sprinting into the box with a defender nipping at
your toes from behind, don't shoot. Instead, let him drag you down--he
almost always will--and you'll reap the benefits of a penalty kick.
Your chances of scoring from the spot are infinitely better than when
you're hurtling in with defenders all around.
How to score an easy goal
When you're inside the penalty area alone with your opponent's
goalie, push the CTRL button quickly when the keeper is going down to
take the ball. If you do it right and your timing is right you'll jump
over the keeper and you can just walk with the ball into the goal.
How to make your opposition score a goal
Do the same thing, just stop the ball on the line. Then a
defender will tackle you and you know the rest.
How to score on free kicks right outside the penalty area
Tap the DOWN button two times. DON'T PUSH, just tap it. Then add
maximum ballspin at the outside of the wall. DON'T MOVE THE AIMING
ARROW!!! Press S until the green arrow is full. 95% of my free kicks
taken like this go in.
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