In the Poker Room of Prison, kill all 3 enemies with headshots before slo-mo ends.
Almost Halfway
Attain rank 10
Art Collector
Pin 100 total enemies with The Penetrator or Leaper knives.
Big Brother's Helper
As Fettel, suspend 100 enemies that Pointman kills
Cannibal Run
Attain a total of 95,000 score on Interval 03
Complete every challenge at least once
Crossing Over
Attain a total of 70,000 score on Interval 06
Dead Blind
Spend an entire round of Contractions in deep fog without going into Last Stand
Doll Collector
Find the Alma Doll on every Mission
Dream Score
Attain a total of 50,000 score on Interval 08
Earl of Pain
Kill 1000 enemies by any method in any game mode
Complete any campaign level on INSANE without reloading checkpoints or going into Last Stand.
Footy Foul
Kill 2 enemies with 1 Slide Kick during Slow-Mo
Get To The Chopper
Complete interval 02
God Among Men
Kill 250 total enemies during Slow-Mo
Handle with Care
Return 30 crates in one game of Contractions
Hanging 20
Complete wave 20 in Contractions
Head Crab Removal
Kill 20 enemies with a crowbar
Homecoming King
Complete interval 08
House Arrest
Attain a total of 105,000 score on Interval 04
I F.E.A.R. Nothing!
Finish a wave of Contractions on INSANE without anyone going into Last Stand
I'm not a Doctor, I'm a Medic!
Perform 50 revives in any game mode
Possess 20 different enemies in one round of soul king
Insider Trading
Possess every type of possessable enemy
Little Brother's Helper
As pointman, kill 100 enemies suspended by fettel
Magna Slum Laude
Attain a total of 85,000 score on Interval 02
Man Mode
Finish the Campaign on INSANE difficulty
Mission... accomplished?
Finish the Campaign on any difficulty (all Intervals complete)
Win 20 rounds of soul king
No can defense!
Kill 100 enemies with the Jump Kick or Slide Kick
Pain, In Bulk
Complete interval 03
Point Authority
Attain a total of 110,000 score on Port Authority
Point Taken
Attain a total of 110,000 score on Interval 05
Prison Impossible
Complete interval 01
Score Monger
Complete 30 challenges in one Interval
Soul Gatherer
Attain a total of 6,000 Souls in one round of Soul King
Soul Hoarder
Attain a total of 25,000 Souls across all rounds of a Soul King match
Spiritually Attuned
Make 100 Psychic Links (Share or Steal)
State-of-the-Art. Bang, Bang!
Kill 10 enemies in a row with Sniper Rifle headshots
Supreme Challenger
Complete 500 total challenges between all categories
Terminal Victory
Complete interval 07
That's a lot of Zeros
Attain a total of 250,000 points through challenges
Through the Haystack
Complete interval 05
Town Hall Beating
Complete interval 04
Trouble Cross
Complete interval 06
Win all 5 rounds of a 5-round Soul King match
Up The River
Attain a total of 95,000 score on Interval 01
We'll Try Again Tomorrow!
Survive 3 waves in Contractions in a row without anyone bringing back a crate
Yo, Adrian!
Find something worth punching!
You've got the Touch!
Attain rank 21
Unlock Insane Difficulty
Beat the game once on any difficulty to unlock the final difficulty level.
Insane Difficulty
Beat the game. (Any Difficulty)
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Прислал: Любимый сын FEAR
Чтобы быстрее повысить уровень, следует в начале каждой главы убивать врагов в замедлении и при этом целясь в головы. Таким образом вам дадут большее количество очков.
Знаете интересные коды на F.E.A.R. 3? Вам есть чем поделиться с другими геймерами?
Графика на уровне 2009 года, оружие и враги однообразны. Скучно играть. Много багов - особенно плохо, когда враги в тебя стреляют через решётки в полу и в стенах, а ты через них врага убить не можешь.
Автор: Flink
По сравнению с F.E.A.R. 2 игра стала значительно лучше и интереснее. Полагаю, что F.E.A.R. 3 - одна из лучших игр в своем жанре. К серьезным недостаткам относится лишь отсутствие русской озвучки.
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