
Fate: The Traitor Soul

Various cheats
Press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[~] and enter the following.
Cheat code
Adds 1000 fame points to your character
Adds 5000 experience points to your character
Adds 500000 Gold
allows the game to display red blood (normally, you see star particles instead)
Ascend "#"
Ascends a "#" of levels (remove quotes and replace # with the number of levels to ascend)
Completely reveals the current dungeon level.
Fountain of Wellness
Creates a fountain that will replenish both your health and your mana
Fountain of Health
Creates a fountain that will replenish your health
Fountain of Mana
Creates a fountain that will replenish your mana
Fountain of Stamina
Creates a fountain that will replenish your stamina
Shrine of Learning
Creates a Shrine that will randomly give either positive or negative effects to a character's stats
Fate Statue
Creates a statue that, when activated, will either give a unique monster, or 2 random gems
Creates a text description of the current map to a maze.txt file, which can be found in the game's installation folder.
Magic Anvil
Creates an Anvil that will randomly imbue either a positive or negative magical effect on an item
Descend "#"
Descends a "#" of levels (remove quotes and replace # with the number of levels to descend)
Gives you one experience level
Gives you ten experience levels and eight to your pet
Replaces red blood with star particles (this is the default)
Restores all of your health
Large Chest
Summons a large chest with nothing in it
[Creature Name]
Summons the given creature.
[Item Name]
Summons the given item name.

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