Press ~ key during gameplay to open the console menu. Then enter in the code.
Cheat code
Add # of sunset sarsaparilla blue star bottle caps
player.additem 00103b1c
add # special points
addspecialpoints #
Advance one level
All mapmarkers
tmm 1
Bottle caps
player.additem 000000F (number of caps)
change all face options
change all hair options
Changes sex
Gives x karma points(use negative values for negative karma)
RewardKarma x
God mode
Kill selected NPC or enemy
No clipping
Quits game fast.
Removes all items of selected NPC
Repair items.
Resurrect selected dead NPC or enemy
Sets ownership to a item(must select item first)
Sets skill level to #. Max 100. this sets all skill bonuses but those from gear, tag skills, or attributes.
player.setav #
Sets your currently equipped weapon's condition to 100.
player.setweaponhealthperc 100
Unlocks any selected physical lock (doors, chests, etc) and terminals.
Steam Achievements
Ain't That a Kick in the Head
Complete Ain't That a Kick in the Head.
All or Nothing
Complete All or Nothing.
Arizona Killer
Complete arizona killer.
Artful Pocketer
Pick 50 pockets.
Blast Mastery
Cause 10,000 damage with energy weapons.
Caravan Master
Win 30 games of Caravan.
Come Fly With Me
Complete come fly with me.
Craft 20 items.
Desert Survivalist
Heal 10,000 points of damage with food.
Double Down
Play 10 hands of Blackjack.
Complete eureka!
For the Republic
Complete For the Republic.
G.I. Blues
Complete g.i. blues.
Globe Trotter
Discover all snow globes.
Hack the Mojave
Hack 25 terminals.
Play the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode.
Jury Rigger
Repair 30 items.
Know When to Fold Them
Win 3 games of Caravan.
Lead Dealer
Cause 10,000 damage with Guns.
Little Wheel
Play 10 spins of Roulette.
Love the Bomb
Cause 10,000 damage with Explosives.
Master of the Mojave
Discover 125 locations.
Mod Master
Install 20 weapon mods.
New Kid
Reached 10th level.
New Vegas Samurai
Cuase 10,000 damage with melee weapons.
No Gods, No Masters
Complete no gods, no masters
No Tumbler Fumbler
Pick 25 locks.
Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal
Recruit any companion.
Old-Tyme Brawler
Cause 10,000 damage with Unarmed weapons.
One Armed Bandit
Play 10 spins of Slots.
Outstanding Orator
Make 50 Speech challenges.
Render Unto Caesar
Complete render unto caesar.
Return to Sender
Complete Return to Sender.
Complete ring-a-ding-ding.
Stim-ply Amazing
Heal 10,000 points of damage with Stimpaks.
Talent Pool
Complete talent pool.
That Lucky Old Sun
Complete that lucky old sun.
The Boss
Reach 30th level.
The Courier Who Broke the Bank
Get banned from all the Strip's casinos.
The House Always Wins
Complete the house always wins.
The Legend of the Star
Complete The Legend of the Star.
The Whole Gang's Here
Recruit all companions.
They Went That-a-Way
Complete they went that-a-way.
Up and Comer
Reach 20th level.
Veni, Vidi, Vici
Complete veni, vidi, vici.
Complete volare!
Walker of the Mojave
Discover 50 locations.
Wild Card
Complete wild card.
You Run Barter Town
Sell 10,000 caps worth of goods.
You'll Know It When It Happens
Complete you'll know it when it happens.
Dead Money Achievements
Assemble Your Crew (20)
Recruit Dean Domino, Christine and Dog.
Cash Out (30)
Confront Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre's Vault.
Having a Ball (20)
Complete the Sierra Madre Gala Event.
Safety Deposit Box (40)
Trap Father Elijah in the Sierra Madre's Vault.
Sierra Souvenir Aficionado (30)
Collect 500 Sierra Madre Chips.
Honest Hearts Steam Achievements
May my Hand Forget its Skill
Evacuate Zion.
n a Foreign Land
Scout the Zion Valley for signs of the White Legs.
O Daughter of Babylon
Crush the White Legs.
Restore Our Fortunes
Resupply Daniel and the Sorrows.
When We Remembered Zion
Arrive at Zion
Old World Blues Steam Achivevments
Change of Heart
Search your feelings... for your heart.
Make up your Mind
Make up your mind... about your brain.
Making Friends
Reactivate all of the Sink's robotic assistants.
Complete Old World Blues.
Find your courage... find your spine.
Lonesome Road Steam Achivevements
Condemned to repeat it
Decided the fate of all the Divide dwellers.
Found all of ED-E's upgrades in the Divide.
Hometown Hero
Completed Lonesome Road.
Rocket's Red Glare
Fully upgraded The Divide's signature weapon.
Warhead Hunter
Detonated all of the warheads in the Divide.
Галерея игровых скриншотов
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Все картинки из Fallout: New Vegas вы можете посмотреть здесь.
Советы наших посетителей (2)
Прислал: Crysis god
Выполнив задание "Атомное танго" (во Фрисайде, в "Атомном ковбое"), подходите к Фристо, и он даст вам 10 крышек. Он даёт вам 10 крышек каждый раз, когда вы к нему подходите!
Чтобы быстро прокачаться до 5-7 уровня в начале: 1) не прерывайте обучение у Санни 2) поговорите с Труди в салуне Гудспрингса. Помогите ей и Ринго.
Прислал: Мод
Коды на Fallout: New Vegas на русском языке
Во время игры нажмите клавишу [~] (тильда), после чего вводите один из указанных кодов:
неуязвимость + бесконечные патроны
rewardKarma <число>
получить указанное число кармы
modpca <тип> <число>
получить указанное число указанных "статсов"
modpcs <тип> <число>
получить указанное число указанных скиллов
addspecialpoints <число>
получить указанное число спец. единиц (статистики)
addtagskills <число>
добавляет указанное количество Tag Skill Points
lock <число>
закрыть дверь или контейнер (число от 1 до 100, обозначает уровень)
открыть дверь или контейнер
убить выбранного NPC. если не выбран - самоубийство
Игра порадовала! Завязка кажется понятной, но она очень запутанная. Сначала мне показалось, что нужно убить Мэнни, но потом оказалось, что это только начало! В общем, Fallout: New Vegas завораживает, графика на высшем уровне. Сюжет обалденный, вот только ждал выхода игры долго. Прошёл всё, сейчас перепрохожу её в режиме "Хардкор". Пожелайте мне удачи! :)
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