Invincible units cheat:
Note: Always make a backup copy before edit a game file. Locate
the "game.pak" file in the "\ubisoft\faces of war\resource" folder.
Open the "game.pak" file with an archival utility (example: WinZip or
WinRAR) and extract the files found in it. You have to extract
"tactis.dl", "normal.dl", "hard.dl" and "easy.dl" files in the
"set/difficulty" from the "game.pak" file.
Open the extracted files with a text editor, then find the "ally"
string. Change value under the "ally" header in each of the files to
the following:
health_increase 40
health 40
Save the files then add the modified files back to their original
locations within the "game.pak" file with the previously used archival
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