Various cheats
To access Evolution's cheat features:
1) Open the Find dialog (Ctrl+F)
2) Hold down the left mouse button, Shift key, and Control key.
3) Right double-click in the upper left corner of the Find dialog just
below the title bar (the target is only 20 x 20 pixels).
4) A plain grey dialog will appear with a text field. Type any of the
following codes into the field and press the Enter key. (Note that
some codes require that a creature be selected first.)
Cheat code: Result:
xocontrolmagic The selected (enemy) creature's species and all
creatures currently living in that species, now belong to you.
xofeedmeseymouria Opens a new map window which displays feeding
colors instead of terrain and is set to 25% zoom
(very ugly, but very powerful).
xospawn Spawns the currently selected creature.
xobfam Boosts the population of the selected creature
to 999 (stands for "Be-Fruitful-And-Multiply").
xokewldewdz -or- Puts headshots of the development team on
xok00ld00dz the map in place of trees, swamps, cactii, etc.
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