
European Championship Soccer

     When  your  opponent  kicks  off push your joystick up and to the
right  and  you  should  get  the ball after a couple of seconds. Once
you've  got it run along the side of the pitch and when you get to the
goal  line turn 90-degrees to face the goal and shoot. The ball either
swerves  into  the net or hits the post and is counted as a goal. Once
of  the  hardest positions to play is the goalkeeper so as soon as the
ball enters the box the PC switches control to your keeper. Don't dive
for  the  striker's  feet  as  the striker can easily dribble the ball
around you. Wait for him to shoot and then make the save. If you get a
corner  point  the joystick towards the post and shoot - the ball will
probably  hit  the  post  and is sometimes counted as a goal. Test out
your  opponent's  goalkeeper  by  taking a few long shots. If he saves
them  all  without dropping the ball forget crossing the ball as he'll
be  able to intercept them. If he fumbles a couple of them - cross the
ball and try an over-head kick.

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