

     Press '~' to open console (the same for remove console too), type
'EtherRevelation'  and  press 'Enter'. Now you can uses the codes from
following table:

Code                              Effect

1. Adventure-mode codes
open_fog                          Remove fog of war
hide_fog                          Place fog of war back
lose                              Lose mission
win                               Win mission
save                              Quick save
load                              Quick load
player                            Info about players
give all                          Gives 15 of all resurces except ether
view resources                    Info about resources

2. Combat-mode codes
lose                              Lose battle
win                               Win battle
view_hand                         Shows enemy hand
hide_hand                         Hides enemy hand
swap                              Swaps you and enemy
view army                         Info about your army
view hand                         Info about your hand
view players                      Info of combatant
view spells                       List of all spells and creatures 4-char
                                  codes. Used into following codes
add spell <4-char code>           Instantly adds spell defined by 4-char
                                  code to your hand. Ex: 'add spell TIWR'
add creature <4-char code>        Instantly adds creature defined by
                                  4-char to your army. Ex: 'add creature
change health      Change the amount of your hero's health
                                  to defined number. Ex: 'change health
change mana          Change the amount of current hero's
                                  mana to defined number. Ex: 'change
                                  mana 100'
change links        Change the amount of hero's mana links
                                  to defined number. Ex: 'change links
change enemy  
                                  Change the same values for your enemy's
                                  hero. Ex: 'change enemy health 1'

3. Unresearched codes
- For adventure-mode:
view heroes                       ? (What printed info means?)
open_tomb                         ? (Crash game!)
test                              ?
set                               ?
net start                         ?
net connect                       ?
net host                          ?

- For combat-mode:
spec                              ? (What printed info means?)
disenchant                        ? (Crash game!)
view creature                     ? (Crash game!)

Submitted by CyberMan

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