
Empires: Dawn of the Modern World

Various cheats
     Press  Enter  to  bring up the chat interface. Enter the code and
press Enter again.

Cheat code:             Effect:
Noob                    Reveals map, removes fog of war, 
                        gives player 10000 of each resource, 
                        all units are instantly trained  
                        and all building are finished.
Shock and awe           Player wins
Weak like Ukraine       Player loses.
Homeland security       Reveals entire map.
Republicans             Gives player 1000 gold.
Call boggy              Gives player 1000 food.
Beaver                  Gives player 1000 wood.
Get stoned              Gives player 1000 stone.
Daddy's credit card     Gives player 10000 of each resource
I know kung fu          All units are instantly trained 
                        and all building are instantly constructed
Cold Shower             Reduces the amount of wood to 0.
No soup for you         Reduces the amount of food to 0.
Busted                  Reduces the amount of stone to 0.
QA salary               Reduces the amount of gold to 0.
Communism               All resources are reduced to 0.
The ring of power       Physical power is replenished when all is depleted.
Red Bones               Replenishes health of all of the player's units
Blue Folder             Removes all resources on the map.
Pit Stop                Replenishes flight time of all planes
Fastbuild               Buildings build faster

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