
Earth 2150: Lost Souls

Various cheats
     While  playing  the  game press [Enter] and type "i_wanna_cheat",
cheat  mode  will  now  be  enabled.  Press  [Enter],  type one of the
following codes, then hit enter:

Cheat code:             Effect:
see_you_next_life       Kills a unit you have selected
no_more_secrets         Show full map
x-mas_pack              Refill ammunition and repair damage
einstein_1              fast exploration enabled
einstein_0              fast exploration disabled
the_hammer_of_thor      Destroys all enemies within 8 range
hasta_la_vista_enemigos Destroy visible units and objects
eagle_eye               Lets you see all
let_be_darkness         Activates fog of war
no_one_hides            Shows all units
time_is_relative        Increase research speed
dirt_cheap_research     Decrease Research Cost
Cheater 1               Enable cheat mode
Cheater 0               Disable cheat mode
mybrainisfaster 1       Faster research
limit_up #              Limit goes up # of levels (enter number)
moneyfornothing #       Free money (enter number)
byebye                  Instant loss
Shower                  Meteor shower
Tromaville              Damage all visible enemies
gohome!                 Destroy selected building
smash                   Destroys everything in sight
judgementday            Kill on visible enemies
Sciencefornothing       Free research
beautifulmoon 1         Show full map
hotground               Plant mines
hereyouare!             Show all enemies
hide                    Enable fog of war
moonlight               Disable fog of war
nobelprize              Research everything

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