Cheat mode
Type eureka during game. (A tone confirms correct entry.) Then
press one of the following keys to activate the corresponding cheat.
Key Result
Up First board in set
Down Last board in set
Right Next board
P Pause
Left Previous board
any key Random power-up
[F5] Toggle MIDI music
[F6] Music off
Hex Cheat
DX ball only allows 4 user boards per boardset. To fix this
problem with a hex editor do the following:
1. Open up DXBALL2.EXE in any hex editor.
2. Goto byte 165CCh (hex) or 91596 decimal.
3. Change 1BC083E06083C004 to 8BC1909090909090.
If your hex editor doesn't have a goto command search for:
1BC083E06083C004 and change it to: 8BC1909090909090 There is only one
instance in the file.
NOTE: Always make a backup of your DXBALL2.EXE file before editing.
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