Various cheats
Press [Enter] during game play and type (Plus) followed by one of
the following codes:
Cheat Яode: Effect:
twilightzone Developer gallery teleports
opnauticus Glittering Silver Ring of Knowledge
imalittalteapot Silver Ring, weapon, garment
extracreamy Less chunky
superchunky More chunky
quwhba Instant kill
drlife Invincibility
movie Record a movie
version Display version
ointro=true Skips to main menu.
noloadintro=true Skipes newgame movies.
tutorial_tips=false Removes all tutorial tips from a new game.
fullscreen=false Opens the game in a window.
width=xxxx height=xxxx Sets Screen Resolution. Xs must be replaced
with the desired resolution.
To disable a code, type (Minus) followed by the code.
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