Various Cheats
During gameplay, press Enter and type any of the following
"Codes" (Put a + in front of the code to turn it on, put a - in front
to turn it off):
Code Effect
zool Invincible
chunkey Always Chunky
superchunky Chunk Factor
version Show Game Version
resizelabels Increase the Character Name Font Size
if L is active
drdeath Max Stats (-drdeath will not remove cheat)
shootall Clicks Not Required
loefervision No Fog
xrayvision No Textures
minjooky Very Small Character
maxjooky Very Big Character
checksinthemail 9999999 Gold
sniper All Characters Can Shoot Enemy From Great
movie Record a Movie
gui Add/Remove the GUI
mouse Enable Mouse
rings Enable Selection Rings
potionaholic Gives 3 super health and mana potions
faertehbadgar Gives full set of newbie gear
sixbagdemon Gives 6 high level summon spells
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