Press ENTER on the numeric keypad for a cheat menu
You can find boxes that'll take you to a secret level in level
#'s 8,9,14,15, and 17
Imps they go up in price each time you buy one
by 150..each time you sacrafice one they
go down in price by 300
Fly & Spider Get a Warlock
2 Beetles Complete current manufacturing
2 Flies Completee current research
Beetle & Spider Get a Dark Mistress
3 Spiders Get a Bile Demon
Ghost All Chickens Die
Chicken ' '
Vampire All mosters diseased
2 Bile Demons All monsters turned into chickens (temporary)
Horned Reaper All monsters angry
Dark Mistress,
Bile Demon,& Troll Get a Horned Reaper
Anything not mentioned here does nothing
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