Cheat procedure:
1. When the game starts, build two tiles right away. This will
make sure that there is only one place that is needed to be changed.
2. Save the game and abort the mission.
3. On the main menu, press Alt+tab, so that you don't have to
quit the game to cheat.
4. Using scientific calculator find the corresponding hex number
for the cash you had in the game. i.e. 4960 will give 1360.
5. Using hex editor, open the saved game.
6. Search for the hex value. Remember that low two bit comes
first. So, for example, with 4960 cash, hex value is 1360. But you
should look for 6013, instead. Change that to 'ffffaa'. It will give
maximum amount of cash. Don't try to "ffffff", because it 'll cause
the game to crash. "ffffee" was the maximum value I was able to use
without crashing, but "ffffaa" gave me the same thing anyway.
7. Save the change and close the file.
8. Back to Dune 2000 and load the game.
9. Enjoy the game and crush other two houses!!
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