By completing the game on any difficulty, you will get to unlock extra options for your next playthough! (The options labeled "CHEAT" will lock achievements and Ego points.)
Duke 3D Freeze Ray
Freeze ray will fire bouncing ice projectiles (SP only).
Game Speed
Adjust game speed (SP only).
Grayscale Mode
Draw the game in grayscale (SP only).
Head Scale
Adjust head size of enemies and NPCs (SP only).
Infinite Ammo
Never run out of ammo (SP only). CHEAT.
Enemies die in 1 shot and always gib (SP only). CHEAT.
Take no damage from bullets or explosions (SP only). CHEAT.
Mirror Mode
Draw the game mirrored horizontally (SP only).
Steam Achievements
A Good Dam Fight
Defeat the Battlelord on the Hoover Dam
Win air hockey with a score of 7-0 in the strip club
Kill 100 aliens
Balls of Steel
Earn a 1,000,000 pinball score in SP
Baron von Nukem
Shoot down 20 alien fighters
Beating the One-Eyed Worm
Defeat the Energy Leech
Big Guns, Big Ships
Blow up 5 enemy gunships or dropships
Bucket Head
Find all 3 helmets in the SP campaign
Call Waiting
Listen to all phone messages
Come Get Some
Complete the SP campaign on Hard Difficulty
Companion Barrel
Unlock the secret closet at the end of the Forkstop
Damn, I'm Good
Complete the SP campaign on Insane Difficulty
Dead Useful
Kill 10 aliens with environmental explosives
Doodle something on the whiteboard in SP
Duke Angry, Duke Smash!
Kill 15 aliens with melee attacks while on steroids
Kill 50 aliens
Flagon of Chuckles
Drink a beer in SP
Fork the Pork
Kill 6 aliens with the forklift
Freeze Well!
Kill 15 frozen aliens
Full Body Tourettes
Get knocked down 10 times
Carry the gold pistol through the whole SP campaign
He's Got a Hologram!
Use a Holoduke in SP
Foot stomp 12 aliens
I Am All That Is Man
Discover all ego cap rewards
I Need a Date
Look at every page of a calendar in SP
I Need a Towel
Get hit by 10 Pregnator bombs
Judge, Jury, Executioner
Execute 20 aliens
Take steroids in SP
Let's Rock
Complete the SP campaign on Normal Difficulty
Lots of Whacking
Win a game of Alien Abortion in the strip club
Natural Disaster 3x
Kill 3 aliens at once
Nobody Likes a Whiner
Knock out the talent at the talk show
Eat 10 pieces of food during the SP campaign
Not Bad for a Human
Defeat the Alien Queen
Nuclear Devastation
Kill 250 aliens
Defeat the Octaking
On the Noggin'
Kill 30 aliens with headshots
One-Eyed Freak
Defeat the Cycloid
Party Animal
Drink all of the beers in the strip club
Kill all of the catfish in the underwater level
Piece of Cake
Complete the SP campaign on Easy Difficulty
Pit Champion
Defeat the Battlelord in Las Vegas
Road Rage
Kill 15 aliens with the monster truck
Special Thanks
Watch the credits all the way through
Sticky Bomb Like You!
Put a Trip Mine on a live alien
Substance Abuser
Drink beer while on steroids or vice-versa in SP
Sunday, Black Sunday
Shoot down the blimp above the stadium
Tosser... in the Literal Sense
Kill 10 aliens with tossed objects
Kill 10 aliens with trip mines
Turd Burglar
Find and steal a piece of poo
The Doctor Who Cloned Me Steam Achievements
Another Piece of Cake
Beat the DLC campaign on Easy Difficulty
Bloody Red Rover
Kill 30 enemies with the moon rover
Bubble Buster
Kill 10 expanded enemies with melee attacks
Come Get a Little More
Beat the DLC campaign on Hard Difficulty
Damn, I'm REALLY Good
Beat the DLC campaign on Expert Difficulty
Heart to Heart
Finish Doctor Proton
Hedonist, not Misogynist
Discover and reject the video game that lets you slap women
I Am All That Is Man - Again!
Discover all Ego cap rewards in the DLC campaign
Let's Rock Out
Beat the DLC campaign on Normal Difficulty
Passive Aggressive
Let 20 enemies die by someone else's hand
Earn a 1,000,000 pinball score on the Scientits pinball machine
Weapon clothing unlocks
These are clothing items unlocked through multi-player weapon-specific challenges to use in the changing room to customize your Duke for MP.
Backwards Baseball Cap
Get 250 kills with the Shotgun (Burger Face III)
Baseball Cap
Get 75 kills with pipe bombs (Splatter king III)
Brain Sucker
Get 250 kills with the Enforcer (Laser Seeking Missiles III)
Canadian Flag Logo
Get 75 kills with the Garter Pistol (Tiny But Deadly III)
Cheese Hat
Get 250 kills with the Ripper (Swiss Cheese III)
Detonator Logo
Get 250 kills with the Rocket Launcher (Boom Goes the Weasel III)
Hoplite Helmet
Get 75 melee kills (Punchy McPuncher III)
I Shot Stupid Logo
Get 250 kills with the Railgun (Right In the Eye III)
Jester Hat
Get 75 kills with trip mines (Watch your step III)
Military Hat
Get 250 kills with the Pistol (Size Doesn't Matter III)
Retro Duke Logo
Get 250 kills with the Devestator (Meat Grinder III)
Ski Goggles
Execute a frozen player 75 times (Ice to See You III)
Tie-Dye Shirt
Get 250 kills with the AT laser (Medium Rare III)
Uncle Sam Hat
Stomp on 75 enemies (Pee Wee Vermin III)
Wolf Logo
Get 75 kills with Steroids (Roid Rage III)
WTF Logo
Get 75 kills with exploding barrels (Smile You Son of a Bitch III)
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