Power-Tips (submitted by Christian Wizzard):
Tip: If you have a Power Point, settle about 7 Elves around it
(they are cheap and in a big number the best Weapon) and put a
fountain of live next to the power point. Add a lightning-totem and
you have a good defence.
Tip: at the beginning: make a bat to see whats on the map and go
with it fast on empty Power Points.
Tip: If you have many Power Points & you want to destroy the
other mage: seek him with placing creatures around the map. When found
use the FAST-Spell, go there & Fireball him or Lighning or summon the
green stuff which keeps him standing on his place & summon dozens of
Tip: When getting attacked by many creatures take your elves
targetting the most dangerous one (all on one).
Tip: Destroy enemy totems with lightning bolts (cheap & good)
Tip: After the first levels. don't wast time with searching food,
time is an important key to win most battles. The healing-Spell is
important im most levels and quit cheap.
Tip: in advanced levels: don't waste time with collecting food,
one manacloud & healing is much better. Being FAST is on of the keys
to success in this game.
Happy FUL IR!
Christian Wizzard 1.1.1999
visit me at WWW.WIZZ.de Wizzard@WIZZ.de
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