
Druid: Daemons Of The Mind

     You  should  stick to some rules not to miss something important:
1)  Every  person  you  meet  is either a meat for your battleaxe or a
person  to interact (i.e. talk, use something on him etc.) 2) Look for
all  orange  cursor  spots in game - some of them can be missed at the
first  time 3) Explore all the screens - some of them can be missed at
first  time  4) I'll just try to cover game for 'unfair' playing (that
is  with  hacked  health/magic  or boosted experience points - more on
that at Appendix) - that helps to slash everyone you meet without risk
to be defeated (but if you play fair you'll just be stuck sometimes to
increase  your skills to defeat some guy 5) Be sure to look at corpses
- some of them have more than one item

     Slash  2 green monsters and quit to bottom of the screen. You get
to  the  library  -  take  all  books  you  can & take amulet. Look at
painting  (this  painting  is  dull but almost all of them contain new
spells  or  useful  info so I wont mention them after this). R ead all
books  and  one  of  them  contains  a gem - use it on amulet. Now you
should  be  able to exit via door - you'll be briefed by Druids & will
be sent to The Common Ground (you are here indeed).

     Talk to man to find out he can sell you card for 15 coins (if you
have  coins  hacked  then its no problem but if you play fair you have
less  money  now).  Go up. There you can pick a bar with which you can
pick  the  doors to the jail. Search corpse by the way . You may enter
jail and slash a couple of monsters but I doubt you can find something
valuable here for now and you'll eventually come to man who'll ask for
your  papers  but you don▓t have them. Ah! There is a spot at the jail
screen  (not  inside  jail but outside - where the monsters were) with
some  coins  for  your sake. Exit jail and go southwest. There you can
kill  a  man with enough coins to buy out a card from a man before. Do
it!  Now go right from screen where you bought card and you'll come in
help  a  man  in  trouble.  Talk  with  him. Explore other screens - 2
screens  to  the  southwest  of this one you'll find a killed man with
papers  -  get  them. The door near him isn▓t available by now, sorry.
Now  return  a screen back and go down - you should see proprie tor of
gladiator's  fights - show him papers and he'll invite you to battle -
go  and  slash  5 dorks to get a bar for Obleisks. Now return 1 screen
back and slash monster barricading your way - you'll come to map where
go  to  'The  Archives'  area,  where  use  c  ard on librarian to get
through. Chat with librarian.

     Make  sure  you  find  a  book with bar inside - that is in first
library  room - where the librarian is - at the top of the right shelf
in the upper row. Also note that if you read a book about poverty more
than  once  -  you lose money. Also look for a book abo ut passing the
doors  through.  Now  you  can enter door which you cannot enter since
this  but before that go to book collector you helped out and sell him
a  book  in  which  you found bar for another bar. Now you must have 4
bars  for  Obelisks  now so go to map and travel to 'The Quoits' area,
where  according to directions on Hint Obelisk use appropriate bars on
Obelisks  and  direct stones inside to face a side they should (you'll
figure  it  out  by yourself) - if you succeed a man will come and zap
you  to  the fir st island to visit: Keown. At Keown you can instantly
go  to the castle and after some slash action you'll come to Druid and
have  a  chat  with  him. In the castle you can pick up clock hand and
find  out that one guy doesn▓t want you descend stairs, leave hi m for

     Let's  explore another locations at Keown - one of them is in the
forest  -  take  a sap near the house and enter house to find out that
wine  was  stolen. Go to the city and explore it talking with anyone -
you  can buy a pick from storekeeper, contest a wrest ling competition
(after  3  kills  you'll be rewarded by a bar), find out that some guy
misses  his  stolen  knife, and find at one of the rooms missing wine,
get  it.  You can now return to forest village and return wine to man.
Go  to  Black  Mountains  -  kill all 3 guards, get an upgrade to your
battleaxe  and enter cave, chat with miners and get an ore sample from
the  wall  with pickaxe. Go to the beach, chat with man and buy a pail
from  him.  Reenter  beach  and get a bottle with note inside and fill
pail  with  sand . Now return to Astor's castle where man stopped your
way, slash him and descend. Use clock hand with clock to unlock doors,
go into the right door - you can pick up ladle and potion here. Now go
back  and enter the left door, in the next room use ladle o n grate to
obtain  a  black  gem  for your amulet. Proceed. At the room with boat
take  note  and  dagger  -  return  to  town and show both to man with
missing  knife  -  you'll be able to enter the door - pick up rope and
read  papers here. Go back to castle where is a guard, basin and clock
-  use ladle on basin to get a bar and go to the boat. Use sap on rope
and use rope on hole in boat - you can chat with Druid who gives you a
bar.  Finally  slash the guard and enter room - I have forgotten but I
suppose  there's a key there. Now go to the Obelisks and use your bars
on  them  in  appropriate order and direct them as is inscribed on the
Hint Obelisk.

     You return to the Common Ground. Here talk to Druids, exit and go
to  the  boulder on the screen down of the book collector. Use pickaxe
on boulder and get coins. Now go to 'The Quoits' and get teleported to
Aneli.  Here  go  southwest  until  you  come  to  the m ap. Go to the
Havnar's  cave, talk with man near entrance, enter, chat with both men
- give money to the left one, talk again with him, you will get chance
to  purchase  an  icepick  from him - do it. Enter palace. Here at the
fork go left and by the way pick an empty vial and fill it with nectar
from  flower  in  this  room - proceed and you get stuck at the closed
doors  to  Havnar.  Go  back to the crossroads where you can go to all
locations  by  map  and  go to the Cliffs. Here pick up a fish and use
icepick  on som e boulder at the left of the screen, but unfortunately
you  wont be able to pick up this thing now. By your way to cliffs you
will  pass by a corpse with roots, take them. Now return to crossroads
and  in  the center of it there is a spot of orange colour so use your
icepick on it to dig up a box.Now go back to the Cliffs and pick up an

     Return to fork in the castle and go right and visit library, talk
to librarian, get 2 books (one of them contains a key to open a box in
your  inventory).  Now  go to the locked doors and use icicle on them.
Talk  to  Havnar  and get an upgrade for your battle axe in this room.
Return  to cave entrance and give root to the man near it. He'll leave
but  when you'll go to the Obelisks you'll meet see his corpse. Search
it  for  some  roots/potions and note (encrypted!). Return to cave and
use  note on the crazy man on the right - he'll make a translation. Go
to  librarian  and  also show him this note. Finally, go to Havnar and
give note to him.

     Return  to  Obelisks  and  go back to Common Ground.There talk to
Druids  and  exit  their room. You should see that 3 of 4 rooms on the
ground  floor  are  open  -  inside them click on a fireplace to get a
note,  click  on  the  clock  to  get  a  book  (read  it), and take a
container.  Also if you are not low on money you can buy your book out
of  book  collector  (though  I dont see any point in this). OK, go to
'The  Quoits' and travel to Rumi. Here talk with Druid, go to the map,
go to Taranis, talk to the man at the gates, enter village, you'll see
2  men  out of their huts, talk with both of them. Pick up a branch of
willow  on  the ground. Now give a ring from the very beginning of the
game  to  the left man, he'll give you a note. Now go to the gates and
show note to the man - he directs you to the beach - fine! Search body
for  jail papers, search rocks for some cash and give note to the man.
Also  give him a note from the boat in Keown ( I hope this is right ).
You'll  end  up with Lawson's knife. Talk to man until he is dumb . Go
to the village.

     Head  for  Sulphur  Caves.  Here I found coins at the rock at the
very  entrance  of  the caves, a spell with some ladle at the table in
caves,  a headgear near the pillar in the next screen, and a scientist
in  the  next screen. Examine papers in this room. Now u se last ladle
with pail of sand and exit to the lava cave, quickly use a headgear on
lava  to  get  protected  and use ladle of sand on lava. Return to the
village  and  give  rock from the ladle to the man to the right. He'll
polish it.

     Now  go to the castle and here I found: an upgrade for battleaxe,
an  inscription  on the wall, drink from a cauldron and you'll come to
the  Druid  -  chat  with  him  and  use Lawson's dagger on him. Get a
container  at  the  stairs.  Now  return to the Common Ground and show
dagger  to Druids. Leave, examine last room at the ground floor - here
you  can  only  read  2  books. Return to Druids' room and use lens on
telescope,  use telescope and click on blue thing to the left to get a
star  map.  Now  go  to  the  jail  and show papers from Rumi beach to
jailer.  Here  look at the rules, exit via door to the left. Kill man,
find  a  key,  return, use it on clock - return - you lowered ramp. Go
down,  kill 3 jailers, enter cell, talk to Kreutzer and he gives you a
card. Leave cell and go down. Kill man and don▓t descend stairs easily
-  take  a  nectar  from  your  inventory  and click it on the stairs.
Descend,  kill 2 men and examine Obelisks. Whoa, we need a stone. Exit
jail  and go to the 'Restricted Area' - take Kreutzer's card and go to
the  door  -  guards  will  let  you do it. Kill monsters, talk to the
guard.  Enter  left  door. Search for a bed with a key under mattress.
Open  a  locker  by  that bed to get a note. Back to the guard you go.
Proceed forward. Kill guard, talk to another one.

     At  the spaceship screen talk with Kreutzer and kill guard. Enter
briefing room and talk with everybody and kill anyone you can. Examine
blackboard for some hints. Exit research center. Go to Aneli, there to
Cliffs and use container on dug point - you get a set of vials. Now go
to Rumi and to Sulphur Caverns - here come to scientist and give him a
wooden  container  which  you  found at Curak's castle. Use 4 vials he
gives you on 4 vials in container from Aneli - you get a fuel reagent.
Now  go to Common Grou nd and to Restricted Area. Give fuel reagent to
scientist  near  spaceship.  Talk  with  him  awhile. He'll give you a
stone.  Now  go to the Obelisks in the jail and use stone on recess in
Obelisk. An inscription appears on one of the Obelisks for you to step
i  n  circle.  Find  an 'Exit' spot in the center of circle. You go to
Zynaryx.  Here  go  directly  inside the castle until you find Lawson.
Talk with him. He gives you the Magic Cube. Click on altar to find out
it  is  portal  and come to the altar - you'll come to Druids' Chamber
where you destroy them by default.

     Another  ending:  when you bring reagent to the scientist - don't
click on him to talk for the second time but enter the spaceship. Here
insert  a  handle  and a map into slots in panel. Use an ore sample in
your  inventory  on  the dagger from the very beginnin g of the game -
you make your ore magnetized.

     OK, if you want to play easily do such a trick - your savegame by
a  name of 'save.x' where x is 1, 2 or 3 - the save slot number - load
it  in  the  hex editor and edit 2nd,3rd,4th hex lines - all of non 00
occurrences change to FF. And here you are

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