Various cheats
Push the following buttons together anytime during the game,
except during server select screens.
Note: If you use the Boost Code in the Battle-Zone it's apparent
to everyone that your cheating due to a huge blue halo around your
Cheat code: Effect:
Control + Shift + V Make cars disappear, player or NPC.
Control + Shift + U Makes extras disappear, such as
speedometer, mini-map, quick-times
on the top right, chat, exp bar,
names on people's cars.
Control + Shift + F Shows FPS and other in-game texture
Control + Shift + P Displays a lots of script info.
Control + Shift + N Also displays FPS, and lag, when your
racing and odd checkpoints
on the minimap.
Control + Shift + O (as in orange) Makes all the buildings disappear,
mountains, terrain, trees,
everything that you can hit.
Control + Shift + T Makes the roads disappear.
Control + Shift + R Resets the screen to the top left
Control + Shift + 0 (Zero) Halloween night sky,
with the crazy moons and auroras
Control + Shift + 0 (Numpad Zero) Opens Korean Google
Control + Shift + (F1 to F10) Shows different cinematic camera
Control + Shift + E Turns on hazard warning lights.
Control + Shift + - (Minus) Adds to your boost bar.
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