Finally the sequel of one of the most unforgetable adventure game
: Dragon Lore, is arrived. The graphics are great, and with a great
sound too. But one thing that still quite annoying is the way to fight
the monster. That's horrible, you can only slash them as quick as
possible, 'cause parrying is very difficult. You must eat to restore
your stamina each day. The story begin after Werner von Wallenrod
became the dragon knight. One of the rule in the kingdom, Duke Eragg,
isn't agree with his award and c hallenge him to find Maraach the
Dragon Fire, the symbol of the knight. Werner once again travel
through this notorious land to find the dragon. Here is the
The Wallenrod's Castle
The Forest of Warkaldt
The City of Draconia
First Day, Morning
First Day, Night
Second Day, Morning
Second Day, Night
The Tourney of Seven Lances
The Lost Labyrinth
Maraach The Dragon Fire
Adamoster and Crystallian
Tourney of Cennmar
The Coronation Joust
Tips and Info
First talk to the wizard. He'll tell you about the main quest.
Gain as much info as possible ( try it by choosing the options
starting from the second choice ). Open the gate and enter the
underground city. On the left of the pond is a locked gate to arm
oury. Near it, is the entrance to the saddlery. Enter it and browse
around. Get the bag on the table then pick up chart of forest, valley
and a gourd from inside the cupboard. Talk to Ghewissel. Ask him about
the key to the armoury.
In the armoury, get all the equipment inside four cupboards. This
include: sword of Erena, Long blade, battle axe, saber, wooden shield,
knight shield, and pikes. Then visit the Dragonet, it's on the right
side of the pond. Inside take rope, purse of Ta rks ( money ), and
tinderbox from the cupboard; and also pick up the food ration on the
table. Talk to Sarel about the jousting tournament. Ask him to prepare
the Dragonet. Outside the city you'll meet the wizard who gives you
the Ring of Life. Take it a nd fly away to find Maraach, the Dragon.
On the way there, you'll be fired down to the Forest of Warkalt
by some dragons. After the crash, pick up the food ration near the
foot of the Dragonet and your gourd next to its head. Heading west
than north. You'll arrive in front of the river, turn ri ght and pick
up the cutting stone. Don't forget to fill up your gourd with the
water from the river. Turn around and go straight. On the next screen,
turn left and you'll see a strange rock. Go to it. Use the cutting
stone on the rock. A writings will ap pear on it. Use the reading
spell to read it. Yup, this is the place where you can restore your
stamina point after you sleep. Remember this place. Now go back, then
turn right. Go straight twice until you can't go further, turn left.
Go straight. Then t urn left. You'll arrive in the goblin's
encampment. Fight them if you want by insult them or you can just
cheat them by saying that you have the sword of Erena and the dragon
is flying up there. Get the meat from the firepit. Then go straight.
This is the crossroad to the gnome.
Turn right, go straight then go to the right. You'll meet the
gnome. Talk to him and accept his help. Follow him to his house. Ask
him about the strange rock. Then ask him for food. Get the fruits. Now
go back to the forest. Go to the right, straight twi ce then go to the
right. You should see The Guardian ( it's the old tree ). Talk to him.
Accept his bargain on planting the seed. Back to the crossroad near
the gnome. Instead of going right, you should go straight then go to
the left. You'll arrive in t he swamp. Go further. Plant the seed on
the sandy ground. Prepare to battle the demon. I prefer using the
battle axe to hack this demon. Use weakness spell on him and
protection spell on yourself. You can take the demon amulet on the
lump ( it's for boos ting up your magic points ) later on, don't do it
now 'cause after you did that, you can't plant the seed here. After
beating the demon, go back to the gnome. This time ask him to heal
you. When you say goodbye this time, he should offers you the magic a
ccorn. Take it. Go back to The Guardian. Tell him that you've planted
the seed. Then tell him that you want to get out from the forest.
Before you ride the animal, turn around and follow the path.
You'll see a fighting between a man with an animal. After you kill the
animal, talk to the man. Promise him to help. Find out about the
temple of Draconia. Take his purse and the serpent dagger . Now ride
the animal.
Back to TOP
In the next two days from now, the tournament will begin. In this
town you can meet a lot of interesting characters, including Nenisma,
Prince Arthus and the beautiful Princess Carmine. There's no special
order to go in this town, but I think mine is the good one. So follow
this order if you want.
First Day, Morning
At the main gate to the city, talk to the guard and bribe him 20
Taraks to keep the serpent's dagger. Enter the city and talk to the
stall man. Ask him about the Temple of Draconic. Turn around and climb
the stairs. Go to the left and watch Karr Straupsi hk threaten
Quentin, a kid. Choose this speak option to help him.
"Straupsihk, this outburst is unworthy of you. Save your strength for
the arena"
"Far be it from me, .... "
"I'm sure he already regrets his lack of respect for you"
"Believe me, I don't think he'll ......"
Then follow the lad to Dragon Hearth tavern. Choose this responds :
"You were lucky ..... "
"Forget that and ..... "
"Who is Princess Carmine ?"
"Did Straupsihk threat the princess ?"
"What are you to the Princess ?"
"Call me Werner"
"How do you know my name ?"
"And what else you know ?"
"Believe me that feeling is Mutual"
"Why do you hate the Duke ?"
"Oh, you seem to be privy ...."
"Keep me inform with your progress"
Turn left and talk to Hellaynea of Artica, the pretty woman
sitting behind the table.
"You frail ? There isn't a man ... "
"We may have the occasion .... "
Then keep on talking to her until the choice of flattering her
shows up, but nothing can flatter her now. So turn around and talk to
the other woman, Tanathya. Ask about her motive to enter the
tournament. Then talk to the innkeeper and book some room fo r the
night. In the corner near Hellaynea of Artica, there's gamblers
sitting on the table. They're the source of your money in the town.
Everytime you're sort of money, play some games with them to get more
money. Now exit the tavern and follow the left path. Continue the path
to the temple.
Then talk to Tochmar ( the man who is training his skill ). Lie
to him and don't tell him your real name. He, then advises you to find
the blacksmith for a good weapon. Move left, then enter the path
behind the trainer. Near the end of the road, turn lef t. This is
Dihcar, the alchemist. Inside you can buy all potions that you'll need
during the game. This include magic powder, life potion, cure potion,
strength orb, and chest that can contains 25 things. Now just buy the
chest and the cure potion. Talk to Dihcar. Ask for his reading on the
Magic Accorn. Now head to the temple. Talk to the priest about the
dying man outside the forest of Warkalt you've met earlier. He'll tell
you about Nenisma the holder of the Talon. In the temple you can heal
and boos t up your stamina points with a price of 5 Taraks each. Now
go outside and follow the path beside the temple. On the left side is
the entrance to Prince Arthus chamber. Follow the path until you reach
the Heraldry, the big white building on the left. Go through an
archway, The Dragon Way, to the fountain. In the fountain you can fill
up your gourd. Near the fountain you'll see a young woman. Talk with
her. She's Cinders, the daughter of the herald.
Now enter the only shop in the fountain area. It's the general
store. Talk to her. Show the serpent's dagger to Nenisma. Ask for the
purple talon. Then buy the poison. Here, you can also buy food
rations, tinder box, mirror, rope, maps, and gourd. It's u p to you if
you want to buy some but you have to buy the mirror and the lantern.
Ask her about Dihcar and Draconia. Go out. Now, the day should turn
out to night. Walk back to the temple through the narrow pathway
beside it.
First Day, Night
On the corner beside the temple, you'll meet a beggar. Talk with
him and pay him for the story. He wants you to kill a goblin in return
of a secret. Accept his offering. Enter the temple. Give the Talon and
you'll be rewarded by 100 Taraks. Then ask him to for an info about
the Clairvoyant. Tell him that you want to meet the clairvoyant. Ask
the Clairvoyant about your past. Then take the upper part of the rune
from the table. Go out of the temple. Walk around until you meet the
goblin ( it's in the path way near the tavern ). Choose this options
for gaining the information of the secret passage under the city :
"Out of my sight, toad"
"Yes, does it bother you ?"
"You mean the one next to the arena ?"
"You've just told me, cretin"
Then kill him as fast as you can ( I prefer using the rusty axe
for this one, and try to use the hack strategy : point the axe on the
left and right side of the goblin alternatively ). Remember this, you
must keep your health point above 40 before you ta ke a rest at the
inn. That should keep you alive. Use the life potion if you want it,
or eat a little bit. After that, take his purse, talisman, and the
dagger ( you can use it again with Nenisma to get the talon and gain
more money from the priest. You can ask for the talon as many as you
can, even without the dagger, each time you're out of money. I guess
this is the error they make for this game, sorry Cryo !!!! ). Go back
to the beggar. Report the fight. He'll tell you about a parchment
contain a cl ue for the secret passage. Then go back to the inn and
take a nap.
Second Day, Morning
First, take the crystal ball on the table ( it's the connector to
archwizard, your guiding man ). Just go outside to use the crystal
ball and put it on the screen. The wizard will give you a one hint per
day. Then go out of the tavern. Move left and foll ow the path. At the
corner, turn around. Now you'll facing the blacksmith. Here you can
buy weapons or sell weapons that you won't need anymore and his advice
for the tournament, especially on Hellaynea. Buy the sacred pike, you
need it later on. Go back to the tavern and speak with Helaynea.
Praise her with the word from the blacksmith ( she's the number one
seeded in the tournament ). She'll tell you to talk to the herald for
an advice. Now go to the Heraldry. Talk to the herald inside and book
your p lace in the tournament.Tell him that Helaynea have sent you to
meet him. Ask for his advice on the mount. Go out and go to the
warehouse. Talk to the propietor about the tournament and Dihcar. Go
to the training center. Talk to the man near cart. He'll t ell you
about some clues for the tournament. Now go to Dihcar, ask him about
the parchment. Hmm.. nothing yet. Now just walk around until the night
comes, or you can play some dice game to gain more money in the
Second Day, Night
Nothing much to do now. Go to the temple. Talk about Harssk, the
Lost Labyrinth and the Dreamer. Ask the priest for a meeting with the
Clairvoyant. Ask about your future this time. Then return to your inn
and take a nap. Prepare for the big day tomorrow : The Tourney of
Seven Lances.
You'll be facing 6 warriors in the tourney. You can beat them all
( Tanathea is the hardest ), but don't waste your time on that unless
you're desperate on money. Anyway, Tanathea will be the winner in the
tourney wether you defeat her or not. Before ent ering the arena you
can talk to your opponent in the hallway. Ask the herald for the rule
of the tourney. First, pick up your opponent by taking his/her flag.
Then choose your weapon and mount. If you get hurt, heal yourself with
the healing balm. Repeat this step before each match. After the
tourney, Prince Arthus will talk to you. He'll introduce you to
Countess of Cyrene ( it seems that the countess is having a problem ).
Then accept Hellaynea's offer to train together. Remember, you have 10
days bef ore the Tourney of Cennmar begins. Go out from the arena and
head down to the fountain. Talk to the Cinders. Promise her to talk to
her father.
Seek Nenisma in her shop. Ask her about the goblins and the Lost
Labyrinth. She told you that the entrance to the labyrinth can only be
accessed at night. Now go back to Heraldry and talk to the herald. Go
back to Cinders at the fountain. Tell her that y ou've done your
promise. Now you have a new ally. Go to the alchemist. Ask for the
parchment. Now, he'll tell you about it. Take the parchment on the
wall beside the back shelves. Read it with reading spell. Talk again
to Dihcar. Learn about the strange cloaked man. Now talk to guard at
the stall near the front gate. Learn more about the Lost Labyrinth.
Now, just wait until the night comes. Go talk to everybody about the
The Level I Map of The Lost Labyrinth
The Level II Map of The Lost Labyrinth
When the night comes, go to the fountain and talk with the ghost
( if you've talked to ruby priest about the Dreamer, you should see a
ghost in the fountain ). Ask who he is. First, reject his demand to
find the remains of his body. After he promises to give you a magic
stone in return, accept his task. Head back to the Dragon passage.
Face the statue of Harssk. Use the mirror on its hand. Open Sesame
!!!! A secret passage will reveal. Use the tinderbox to lit the
lantern. Hold your lantern and enter th e labyrinth. First, go to the
goblin's chamber. On the way there, you'll see a lever with writings
above it. Use the reading spell. Don't turn down the lever yet, save
it for later use. In the goblin's chamber, you'll fight 2 goblins. Use
protection sell and hack them. Get the level I and II map from them.
Collect the money and sword also. Then find the pit on the North East
section on the level I of the Lost Labyrinth ( on the level I map, it
is marked with the blue cloud ). Use the rope on the beam of stone
above the pit. Swing accross and continue your journey. At the end,
get the skull from the alcove. Go back to the fountain. Talk to the
ghost about the skull, then go to the temple.
Tell the priest about the ghost and ask for the summoning. Give
him the skull. Go back to the fountain and tell the ghost about it.
After he is vanished, get the magic stone ( it protects you against
magic ). The next morning, talk to Duke Eragg in the t avern. Then
talk to Quentin on the next table. Talk about Cinders with Big Pete.
Accept his gratitude. Tell about Pete to Cinders. Now you have one
more thing to do with the lovebirds.
Sometime between the fifth or the sixth night at Draconia, the
tavern man will bring you a parchment from Countess of Cyrene. Read
the parchment. Go to the Prince Arthus chambers ( the one with guard
in front of it ). Tell the guard that you have the par chment from
Countess. Enter the room. Talk to Countess and show her the Ring of
Fire. Suddenly Prince Arthus ( his imitation ) comes in and attack
you. Throw the magic accorn to deflect Arthus' paralyze spell. Then
wear the magic stone to deflect the spe ll and slash him with your
weapon ( use protection and weakness spell to help you ). After that,
talk again to Countess, or should I say .... your long lost MOTHER.
Retreive the healing potion and the bottom part of the rune from the
table. Drink the pot ion to heal you.
Unite the rune, then use the Ring of Fire with it. You'll be sent
out to Maraach. Talk with him and be PROUD !!!! That's the way of
Wallenrod. Listen to the twin stone story. Get the Crystallian and go
back to Draconia. Watch the cool movie.
Go back to tavern and talk with Duke Eragg and Tanathea ( she is
nicer now). Go to the blacksmith and learn that Duke of Eragg has
bought the sacred pike too, and you can't buy it now ( luckily you
have bought it earlier ). Talk with all the people in t own, then go
to the temple. Tell the ruby priest about Maraach. Show him the
Crystallian. You'll be guided to the Clairvoyant. Ask him about the
Adamoster. Hmmm...... another puzzle, this guy is full of riddle. Go
see your mother now. Talk about Maraach and Adamoster. Get the money
from the table. Talk to Arthus. Pick the second choice first to gain
more info on the tournament. Then receive the Sword of Fire from him (
choose the first answer).
Go to Heraldry. Choose this option when you talk to the herald
and you'll unite Cinders and Pete :
"I come to see you on behalf of your daughter and Pete ...."
"I abhor such arule, but ...."
"I am sorry to hear about your wife ....."
"Will you agree to their engagement ?"
"I think you make a good decision"
Tell Cinders about the news. Then spend the day off by talking to
the rest of the habitant of Draconia. Don't forget to buy some life
potions and the Orb of Strength at the alchemist ( you'll need it for
the fight down in the Labyrinth ). Fill your gourd with the water from
the fountain if it is empty. Now you're ready. At night, go down again
to the Lost Labyrinth. Turn down the lever at the entrance ( it will
open the false wall on the path in level 2 ). Go straight to room B on
level 2 ( look at the map ). If you enter the room from the south
door, you'll read an inscription above the door on how to open the sun
door in room B. Use the Crystallin on the myst to go past it ( the
green cloud in front of the entrance 3 on level II map ). Enter room C
a nd push the gems in this order : white, yellow, red, and green. Exit
south ( the path with Yellow statue on left and Red statue on the
right ). You'll come to room B. Turn left and follow the path to the
next intersection ( the false wall in room B is op en now ). Turn
right and past the dragon heads. Keep going straight ( ignore the
right intersection ). Go straight on past more dragon heads to the
next room. Read the inscription above the door. Press the orbs in this
order : Yellow, Red, White, and Gre en. Exit through the door with
Green statue on your left and Red statue on your right. Go through the
path ( if you didn't pull down the lever earlier, you should see a
dead-end here. But don't worry just pass through the false wall ) and
down the stairs and find an empty fountain.
Save your game. Fill the fountain with the water from your gourd.
A door will slide open. Prepare yourself to fight the mean, nasty and
ugly four-handed golem. You can beat this monster with 2 ways : Use
your sacred pike to hack him along with the protecton spell and
weakness spell. Also use the Orb of Strength to give more damage to
him Use the Sword of Fire with Burning spell casted on it. Use
protection and weakness spell also along with the Orb of Strength to
give more damage Note : Use the Orbs when the hit points of the
monster near end ( under 60 points approx. ) 'cause you can't use
another things from your inventory after you used the Orbs. Use life
potion to restore your hit points during the fight. Anyway, after you
buried this monster, take the Adamoster. Find your way back to the
city. Now get rest and wait until the 20th day to enter the Tourney of
Cennmar. While waiting for that day, try to hangin' around with the
locals and find some info abou t the tourney. And the most important
thing is prepare yourself for the final battle with Cariachan. I use
10-12 life potion to defeat that guy. So just drop down all your
inventory except : Ring and Sword of Fire, Ring of Life, the Two
stones, Sacred pi ke, and the crystal ball. The others have no use at
all starting from this point.
Here it is, the tourney begins. Talk to Tanathea, Eragg, and
Cariachan. For a nice kiss scene, talk to Hellaynea ( she promises to
give you a small reward if you defeat her, hmmm.... ). Then talk to
Arthus about Princess Carmine. Wow, you've been chosen as her
champion. Talk to the herald about that. Then enter the arena. Choose
the easy one, like Arthus, Rolon or Thormac. After you defeat 3
warrior, watch the cool video clip that showing the jousting betweem
Hellaynea and Cariachan. What a dreadful sce ne to watch Hellaynea
badly wounded. Use Crystallian stone to help her. She loves you very
much so promise to avenge her. Talk about Cariachan to Arthus. After
that, Princess Carmine walk out from the corner of the room. She was
masquarade as Quentin, th e kid, since you arrived in Draconia !!!!
Promise her to defeat Cariachan. Take the amulet from her hand and
another kiss from a woman.
This is the final part of the game. Summon Maraach with your Ring
of Fire. Then ride him to the Cradle of the Sun, where the Coronation
Joust take place. Talk to Arthus. Then wear your Ring of Fire and The
Sword of Fire/Sacred Pike ( it's your choice on weapon ). Turn around
and talk to Tanathea. Then face Duke Eragg. Cariachan will shows up
riding Dagon, his evil dragon ally. Watch the joust. After you win it,
Cariachan will protest the result. Fight him to the death. If you use
the Sword of Fire, don' t forget to cast the Burning Spell on it. Then
watch the ending movie. Once again you're the hero of the valley. Too
bad the wall of Obsidian has been destroyed by the orcs. So prepare
for the next adventure of Werner von Wallenrod in Dragon Lore III.
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