All 20 Levels - Registry Cheat
Warning: Using this cheat requires editing the Windows Registry.
Therefore, you should be extremely careful. Only change what is
mentioned below. If you change something you're not supposed to, you
may keep you computer from booting up:
1. You must have run Dragon Castle at least once so that the settings
are put into the Registry.
2. Click on the "Start" button, then "Run".
3. Type in "regedit" and click "OK".
4. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->MistKeep->Dragon-Castle.
5. Open "settings" on the right side of the window by double clicking
on it.
6. Making sure to leave the format of the text intact, change
the 6th number to 20.
You will now be able to access all 20 levels. If you accidentally
corrupt the Dragon Castle settings, uninstall it using the uninstall
program that is included with Dragon Castle and then start from step
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