28th: Go to Anis and get the cloth. Send a telegram to Janos. Go
to Holman and get Harker's address. Go to the newspaper office and get
Saucy Jack's (S.J.) address. Then, go to S.J. and get the bookstore
address. Go to Harker's home and get his office ad dress.
Go to the bookstore and get the address for the asylum. Go to the
asylum and get the headknocker. Go to Holman and get the parcel and
take it to Harker's office before 5 p.m. Get the cross on the necklace
and go to Anis with the cross to get the rose. Go home and get a
knife, then sleep.
29th: Go to the asylum and get Van Helzing's card. Go to Harker's
home with the rose and get some information. Send another telegram to
Janos and one to Van Helzing. Go to Harker's office with the knife to
get information, then back to Harker's home to g et further
information. Go to Anis to get a letter, then to Hades with the letter
to get some keys. Go home and sleep.
30th: Go to the bookstore VERY early in the a.m. with the keys
and get the Journal. Go to the cemetery at 10 a.m. and meet the
priest. Go to the asylum with the headknocker, then go to the
university with the cloth. Go to S.J.'s with the journal to get i
nformation. Go to Harker's home with the journal, then go to Anis to
get more information. Go home and sleep if time permits.
31st: Go to Harker's office to get information, then to Harker's
home and get the cross. Go to the asylum and get a mallet and stake.
Go to Hades to get information about a secret compartment, then go to
the funeral at noon. Go to Anis to get information , then to the
cemetery after 6 p.m. with the mallet and stake. Return to Anis to get
further information; go back AFTER 9 p.m. to get more information. Go
to Harker's home to get information, then back to Anis for even more
information. Go to Hades with the cross, then sit back and enjoy the
final scene and one of the finest renditions of Carl Orff's "Carmina
Burana" I've ever heard as the credits scroll through at the end.
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