Various cheats
Press [Enter] while playing, type any of the following codes,
then press [Enter] again:
Cheat code: Effect:
moneyfornothing Set Mana and Gold to 9999
borntorun Party Movement Points to Full
help! Heal Entire Party
wearethechampions Win Mission
loser Lose Mission
herecomesthesun Unlock Entire Map
paintitblack Hide Unseen Map
anotherbrickinthewall Allowed to Build at Capital
givepeaceachance Peace with all Nations
badtothebone War with all Nations
cometogether Alliance with all Nations
jump Members XP to Next Level -1
stairwaytoheaven Level Up for Entire Party
lifeisacarnival Revive All Dead
allalongthewatchtower View Enemy Info
invisibletouch AI does not notice you
letsdothetimewarpagain Advance to a day
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