
Dino D-Day

Steam Achievements
Achilles Meal
As the Raptor, finish eating a jackrabbit.
Avenge me!
Score a pterosaur kill after you've died.
Bad Hare Day
Kill two raptors with the same rabbit.
Bad Medicine
Score 7 kills in a single life using the MP-44.
Bite the Hand that Feeds You
Kill a developer in online play.
Clever Girl
As a Raptor, kill Ilona after she's deployed a rabbit.
Divine Wind
Use a pterosaur to kill an enemy capturing a point.
French Persistence
Score 7 kills in a single life with the Sten gun.
Pounce the same player twice in one life.
Griefosaurus Rex
Pounce 5 different enemy players in the same life.
Helmet Trick
Kill 3 Hardgraves in one life.
It's the Rapture!
Capture a point with only raptors.
Keep Calm and Carry One
Score a kill with every PIAT round in a single life.
More like "Stompson"
Score 7 kills in a single life with the thompson smg.
Nazis...I hate these guys.
Kill one of each Nazi class in the same life.
Open BAR, dude
Score 7 kills in a single life with the BAR.
Out, but not down
Kill an enemy with a melee attack while out of bullets.
Paint the town red
Kill an enemy player by throwing him into a wall.
Shoot and kill a leaping raptor.
Reich Rolled
As Axis, get the Styracosaur to his goal without taking any damage.
Rest for the Unwary
Use a pterosaur to kill 3 or more enemies simultaneously.
Sneaky Snacker
Finish eating 3 jackrabbits in the same life.
Star Spangled Hammer
Get five fist-kills in Berserk mode.
Stricken by the Streicher
Score 7 kills in a single life using the MP-40.
Struck by the Streicher
Score 7 kills in a single life using the k98.
That's just Garand
Score 7 kills in a single life with the M1 Garand.
Score a double-kill with a bite victim.
Tonight, you dine in Hell!
Kill a raptor while she's feeding.
Uz Prieksu!
Score 7 kills in a single life with the Mosin-Nagant.
What's gonna happen to the goat?
Use a goat to kill an enemy player.

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