Various Cheats - All Modes
Pause gameplay and enter any of the following "Codes":
Code Effect
painless God Mode
fogging Fogging On/Off
followme Move Camera
Various Cheats - Sharp Shooting Mode
Pause gameplay and enter any of the following "Codes":
Code Effect
weapons All Weapons
ammo Unlimited Ammo
autoreload Auto Reload On/Off
autofire Auto Fire On/Off
slowmo Enemies are Slower
slowrocket Rockets are Slower
Various Cheats - Driving Mode
Pause gameplay and enter any of the following "Codes":
Code Effect
ghost Drive Through Walls
nitro Unlimited Nitro
freeze Toggle Time Limit
chantastic Drive Faster
snow Snow
susonly Drive Only with Tires
Various Cheats - Action/Adventure Mode
Pause gameplay and enter any of the following "Codes":
Code Effect
weapons All Weapons
ammo Unlimited Ammo
freeze Freeze Enemies
targeting Toggle Auto Targeting
laser Toggle Laser Targeting
ghost Walk Through Walls
followterrain Jump as High as You Want
mrbones Become a Skeleton
shocked Become Electric
fps First Person Perspective
fragyuck More Blood
pillowmode Small Heads
bighead Big Heads
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