Regular Codes:
In any of the three games press Esc to pause. Press (and hold)
the R and 2 keys. Keep them down! Right and left stands for right
arrow key, left arrow key, and so on. When the code is typed in
correctly, release the R and 2 keys, and the game should unpause.
Die Hard
right, up, down, E god mode
right, E, down, O 50 grenades, smoke bombs, and more!
right, up, down, down, E, right change guns (repeat as necessary)
Die Harder
right, up, down, E change guns (repeat as necessary)
right, up, down, E, E god mode
right, E, left, O, A, down, E extra missiles and grenades
Die Hard with a Vengeance
left, O, up, down, E, right unlimited lives
Other Codes:
In any of the three games, hit Esc to pause the game. When the
code is typed in correctly, the game should unpause.
Die Hard
right, E, E, down fat mode
right, up, down, down, E, right unlimited weapons
Die Harder
down, A, right, E god mode
left, A, right, down keeps aim from automatically shifting
down, E, A, down skeleton mode
Die Hard with a Vengeance
E, O, X, O, E, L, X, D, L affects other cars once they are hit
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